Birthday Point
Birthday Point is a bold rock headland between Pressure Bay
Pressure Bay
Pressure Bay is an arm of Robertson Bay, 3 nautical miles wide, lying between Cape Wood and Birthday Point along the north coast of Victoria Land. Charted and named in 1911 by the Northern Party, led by Campbell, of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-13. The Northern Party experienced great...

 and Berg Bay
Berg Bay
Berg Bay is a small bay between Birthday Point and Islands Point in the west side of Robertson Bay, northern Victoria Land. It was charted and named in 1911 by the Northern Party led by Victor Campbell of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910–13, because icebergs appear to gravitate there....

 on the north coast of Victoria Land
Victoria Land
Victoria Land is a region of Antarctica bounded on the east by the Ross Ice Shelf and the Ross Sea and on the west by Oates Land and Wilkes Land. It was discovered by Captain James Clark Ross in January 1841 and named after the UK's Queen Victoria...

. It was charted and named by the Northern Party, led by Victor Campbell
Victor Campbell
Victor Lindsay Arbuthnot Campbell DSO & Bar, OBE , was a British sailor and renowned explorer.-Terra Nova expedition:In 1910, he was First Officer on Robert Falcon Scott's Terra Nova expedition...

, of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910–13.
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