Birkhead Mountains Wilderness
The Birkhead Mountains Wilderness was established by the 1984 North Carolina Wilderness Act, and it covers 5160 acres (20.9 km²) in the Uwharrie National Forest
Uwharrie National Forest
Uwharrie National Forest is a federally-designated national forest region located primarily in Montgomery County, but also extending into Randolph and Davidson counties in south central North Carolina. It is the smallest of the four National Forests in North Carolina, with a total area of 50,369...

 at the northern end of the Uwharrie Mountains
Uwharrie Mountains
The Uwharrie Mountains are a mountain range in North Carolina. The range lies in the counties of Randolph, Montgomery, Stanly, and Davidson, although its foothills stretch into Cabarrus, Anson, Union counties and terminate in the hills of Person. Formed approximately 500 million years ago by...

, in central North Carolina
North Carolina
North Carolina is a state located in the southeastern United States. The state borders South Carolina and Georgia to the south, Tennessee to the west and Virginia to the north. North Carolina contains 100 counties. Its capital is Raleigh, and its largest city is Charlotte...

. The Wilderness Area's goals are to protect and preserve its natural resources and wilderness character and provide for public use.


These mountains are considered to be the oldest on the North American Continent. Evidence of early Indians dates back over 12,000 years. The Catawba Indians inhabited the area when the Europeans began exploring the region in the late 1600’s. By 1760 settlement had begun in earnest, opened up by the explorers and traders along the Ocaneechi Trail.

The Birkhead family raised a son, John Watson (Watt), who was born in 1858. The 3000 acres (12.1 km²) that he acquired over the years were made up of many small tenant farms. Thus the mountain range became known locally as the Birkhead Mountains.

This old plantation
A plantation is a long artificially established forest, farm or estate, where crops are grown for sale, often in distant markets rather than for local on-site consumption...

is the core of the Wilderness. Evidence of early Indians and settlers can often be found. These archeological and historic artifacts and sites hold clues to America's past. If disturbed, a part of our heritage is lost forever. Federal law protects such sites and artifacts on public land. If you discover such remains please leave them undisturbed.


All trails within the Wilderness are designated hiking trails. Travel by horse, motorized vehicle or bicycle is prohibited. No mountain bikes or ATV's are allowed within the Wilderness area.

Disperse camping is allowed in the Birkhead Mountains Wilderness. Campers are required to stay at least 200 feet from all streams, creeks, roads and wildlife fields. When using fire rings, campers should disperse the ring before leaving camp. Use of cook stoves is highly recommended. Firewood is available as dead and down in the forest; campers should not cut live trees for firewood. Also hunting is allowed in this area, orange is advisable to wear during the hunting seasons, when hiking the trails. No permanent camps are allowed in the Wilderness area. Camping is allowed for a 14 day period with in a 30 day time frame. Dogs are allowed as long as they are on a leash and kept under control.

Parking is available at Tot Hill Trailhead, Thornburg Trailhead and Robbins Branch Trailhead.

External links

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