created by SNK Playmore
(formerly SNK). He makes first appearance in the fighting game Fatal Fury: King of Fighters
as the sub-boss from the game. In the Fatal Fury series Billy is the right-hand man from Geese Howard
, the crime lord from Southtown. In one of Geese's The King of Fighters tournaments, Billy and Geese are defeated by Terry Bogard
and his friends, who sought revenge for the death of his father. As such, Geese starts losing control from Southtown and Billy seeks to defeat Terry.
"Too bad, "defeat" is just not in my personal dictionary!"
"What was that? Over so soon? Bummer, dude!"
"I've no business with losers. Hit the pavement, slug-face!"
"How does it feel to be well done? But I bet you taste terrible."
"You dolt! You can't beat me! Not even by a fluke of fate!"
"You'll live. But if it were my town, you'd be history."
"I'm used to dealing with freaks like you!"
"Give up? Don't blame me...gyah ha ha."
"You bled on me! My new leather jacket's ruined!"
"My Grandmother with arthritis is more of a match than you!"