Betty Boop's Penthouse
Betty Boop's Penthouse is a 1933 Fleischer Studios
Fleischer Studios
Fleischer Studios, Inc., was an American corporation which originated as an Animation studio located at 1600 Broadway, New York City, New York...

 animated short film starring Betty Boop
Betty Boop
Betty Boop is an animated cartoon character created by Max Fleischer, with help from animators including Grim Natwick. She originally appeared in the Talkartoon and Betty Boop film series, which were produced by Fleischer Studios and released by Paramount Pictures. She has also been featured in...

, and featuring Koko the Clown
Koko the Clown
Koko the Clown was an animated character created by animation pioneer Max Fleischer. The character originated when Max Fleischer invented the rotoscope, a device that allowed for animation to be more lifelike by tracing motion picture footage of human movement. To test out his new invention...

 and Bimbo
Bimbo (Fleischer)
Bimbo is a fictional character, a cartoon dog created by Fleischer Studios. He first appeared in the Out of the Inkwell series and was originally named Fitz....



At Bimbo's Experimental Laboratory, Bimbo and Koko concoct a variety of compounds and elixirs. Their scientific experiments are interrupted when they see a bathing-suit clad Betty taking a shower on the roof of her penthouse. Distracted by Betty as she sings "Penthouse Serenade," the two fail to realize the chemicals they've mixed are still on the boil, one of which turns into a Frankenstein
Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus is a novel about a failed experiment that produced a monster, written by Mary Shelley, with inserts of poems by Percy Bysshe Shelley. Shelley started writing the story when she was eighteen, and the novel was published when she was twenty-one. The first...

-style monster. The creature sees Betty, and crosses over the phone wire to menace Betty. Betty sprays the monster with flower spray, which turns him into a harmless dancing flower. Betty giggles and says, "You nutty dope fiend!"

External links

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