BestPrice.gr is a price comparison service
developed and owned by Phaistos Networks S.A.
It has partnered with more than 770 merchants in Greece and provides free information on millions of products in 100+ different categories.
Initially launched in 2001, as Pathfinder Shopping, it was the first service of its kind in Greece.
It was later re-branded as BestPrice.gr and underwent a complete re-design in July 2011.
Price comparison service
On the internet, a price comparison service allows individuals to see different lists of prices for specific products. Most price comparison services do not sell products themselves, but source prices from retailers from whom users can buy...
developed and owned by Phaistos Networks S.A.
It has partnered with more than 770 merchants in Greece and provides free information on millions of products in 100+ different categories.
Initially launched in 2001, as Pathfinder Shopping, it was the first service of its kind in Greece.
It was later re-branded as BestPrice.gr and underwent a complete re-design in July 2011.