Bering Canyon
The Bering Canyon is the longest of the Bering Sea
Bering Sea
The Bering Sea is a marginal sea of the Pacific Ocean. It comprises a deep water basin, which then rises through a narrow slope into the shallower water above the continental shelves....

 canyons; it extends about 400 km across the Bering shelf and slope. It is confined at its eastern edge by the Aleutian Islands. The width of the canyon at the shelf break is about 65 km, only about two-thirds that of the Zhemchug Canyon
Zhemchug Canyon
Zhemchug Canyon is a giant underwater canyon located in the middle of the Bering Sea. This submarine canyon is the largest canyon in the ocean. The canyon has a vertical relief of 2600 metres dropping from the shallow shelf the Bering Sea to the depths of the Aleutian Basin. Zhemchug Canyon is...

 and Navarin Canyon
Navarin Canyon
The Navarin Canyon is a submarine canyon in the Bering Sea. It is just as wide but less than half as deep as the Zhemchug Canyon, which is the largest canyon in the world....

s, but because of its great length, the Bering Canyon has the largest area. At a depth of 3200 m, the Bering Canyon thalweg
Thalweg in geography and fluvial geomorphology signifies the deepest continuous inline within a valley or watercourse system.-Hydrology:In hydrological and fluvial landforms, the thalweg is a line drawn to join the lowest points along the entire length of a stream bed or valley in its downward...

 reaches the Aleutian Basin
Aleutian Basin
The Aleutian Basin is an oceanic basin under the southwestern Bering Sea. While the northeastern half of the Bering Sea overlies the North American Plate in relatively shallow water, the Aleutian Basin consists of oceanic plate—the remnant of the Kula Plate that was mostly subducted under...

, where a low-relief submarine channel-lobe system has developed.
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