Beni Ecën Vetë
Beni walks by himself is a 1975
1975 in film
The year 1975 in film involved some significant events, with Steven Spielberg's thriller Jaws topping the box office.-Events:*March 26 - The film version of The Who's Tommy premieres in London....

Albania , officially known as the Republic of Albania , is a country in Southeastern Europe, in the Balkans region. It is bordered by Montenegro to the northwest, Kosovo to the northeast, the Republic of Macedonia to the east and Greece to the south and southeast. It has a coast on the Adriatic Sea...

n children's film
Children's film
A children's film is a film aimed for children as its audience. As opposed to a family film, no special effort is made to make the film attractive for other audiences. The film may or may not be about children. In Unshrinking the Kids: Children's Cinema and the Family Film which is a chapter in In...

 directed by Xhanfize Keko and written by Kiço Blushi.


  • Herion Spiro
  • Yllka Mujo
    Yllka Mujo
    Yllka Mujo is an Albanian actress. Mujo is especially known for her distinguished roles in Albanian movies during the communist regime.-Filmography:The following list is filmography containing major roles played by Mujo....

  • Dhorkë Orgocka
  • Pandi Raidhi
  • Gjergj Sollaku
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