I am the Devil! Satan|Satan, Lucifer|Lucifer, Beelzebub|Beelzebub, the Prince of Darkness! Well, the princess, anyway...
Do you have $3.47? I've left my purse in the Underworld.
Seven utterly fabulous wishes for one piddling little soul?
There's no point fighting about this. You have to learn to accept the inevitable. We are all doomed anyway.
See you in HELL!
Yes, there's a God. Most men think they're God, this one just happens to be right
I'm telling you, the Devil gypped me for a hamburger!
HOLA! MUCHO GUSTO! Me llamo Elliot! Hola Juan. Hola Esteban. Donde esta es la bibleoteca? Esta es la casa de mi tia.
No gracias, Soy alérgico a los crustáceos.