Battle of Canturino
The Battle of Canturino (22 April 1363)was a clash of two condottiere companies, the long-established Great Company under Konrad von Landau and the newer White Company
White Company
The White Company was a 14th Century Italian mercenary Company of Adventure , led from its arrival in Italy in 1361 to 1365 by the German Albert Sterz and later by the Englishman John Hawkwood...

 under Albert Sterz and John Hawkwood
John Hawkwood
Sir John Hawkwood was an English mercenary or condottiero who was active in 14th century Italy. The French chronicler Jean Froissart knew him as Jean Haccoude and Italians as Giovanni Acuto...


The exact details of the battle are unknown. The men-at-arms of both sides are said to have dismounted to fight. The battle was swayed by two events. The Hungarians in the Great Company refused to fight their fellow countrymen in the White Company and left the field, leaving the Great Company at a disadvantage. Shortly after this, Konrad von Landau was hit in the face by a rock which broke the nosepiece of his helmet, partly incapacitating him. The loss of their leader and part of their army undermined the Great Company and they fled. Konrad von Landau was captured alive but he had been further wounded in the melee
Melee , generally refers to disorganized close combat involving a group of fighters. A melee ensues when groups become locked together in combat with no regard to group tactics or fighting as an organized unit; each participant fights as an individual....

and died shortly afterwards.

The Battle of Canturino led to a truce but had no other significant result other than the death of Landau. It was, however, the first field action fought by the White Company and the beginning of their rise to prominence. In July 1363, after a bidding war for its services between Pisa and Florence, the company entered Pisan employ.
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