Norton Utilities is a utility software suite designed to help analyze, configure, optimize and maintain the computer. The current version 15 of Norton Utilities Premier Edition for Windows XP/Vista/7 was released December 27, 2010....
to graphically enhance the presentation of batch files (series of commands executed at once, automatically by the computer itself). Batch Enhancer allows the use of colours, square graphics and a little more complex decision parameters than the usual batch file programming.
In version 4.5 there is a bug in the ASK TIMEOUT=n option whereby if the
system clock should tick over the hour while BE is counting down then BE
fails to return after the nominated timeout period. A good workaround for
this is to first check that we are not currently in the 59th minute of the
hour. With the new XP batch command extensions this sub procedure :not59
will handle this. For example;
call :not59
be ask "Please mount U drive. Ok to continue (n/Y/esc) ?" NY DEFAULT=Y TIMEOUT=5
if %time:~3,2%59 goto not59
goto :EOF
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