Basic Access Control
Basic Access Control is a mechanism specified to ensure only authorized parties can wirelessly read personal information from passport
A passport is a document, issued by a national government, which certifies, for the purpose of international travel, the identity and nationality of its holder. The elements of identity are name, date of birth, sex, and place of birth....

s with an RFID chip. It uses data such as the passport number, date of birth and expiration date to negotiate a session key. This key can then be used to encrypt the communication between the passports chip and a reading device. This mechanism is intended to ensure that the owner of a passport can decide who can read the electronic contents of the passport.

I'm dancin' like a monkey!

We are what we are and what we are is an illusion.//We love how it feels//Putting on heels causing confusion.

"We Are What We Are" song If beauty is skin deep, why are people? Category:Musicals
