Barrie Goulding
Barrie Goulding is a UK TV producer who has produced several controversial videos, among them Caught In The Act and Executions. Caught In The Act features uncensored CCTV footage of, among other things, armed robberies, drug deals, and coverage of the scandal over the Princess Diana video spy controversy. Executions, as the title suggests, features footage of a number of executions, moreover opening the debate on the Death Penalty.
In 1994, Barrie Goulding was responsible for the marketing campaign launching the first of the UK's reality video programmes "Police Stop!". This programme led the way for the numerous reality programmes now seen on UK TV.
In 1994, Barrie Goulding was responsible for the marketing campaign launching the first of the UK's reality video programmes "Police Stop!". This programme led the way for the numerous reality programmes now seen on UK TV.