Banned from the Bible II
Banned from the Bible II continues from the original documentary Banned from the Bible
Banned from the Bible
Banned from the Bible is a documentary television series that originally aired on the History Channel as Time Machine: Banned from the Bible in 2003. Banned from the Bible discusses the ancient books that did not become part of the Biblical canon...

, and was aired on The History Channel
The History Channel
History, formerly known as The History Channel, is an American-based international satellite and cable TV channel that broadcasts a variety of reality shows and documentary programs including those of fictional and non-fictional historical content, together with speculation about the future.-...

. The documentary introduces several books that were excluded from the biblical canon.

Books in the documentary

  • The Testament of Solomon
    Testament of Solomon
    The Testament of Solomon is an Old Testament pseudepigraphical work, the authorship of which is ascribed to King Solomon. It describes how Solomon was enabled to build the Temple by commanding demons by means of a magical ring entrusted to him by the Archangel Michael.- History :Despite the text's...

  • The Zohar
    The Zohar is the foundational work in the literature of Jewish mystical thought known as Kabbalah. It is a group of books including commentary on the mystical aspects of the Torah and scriptural interpretations as well as material on Mysticism, mythical cosmogony, and mystical psychology...

     (The Book of Splendor)
  • The Alphabet of Ben-Sira
    The Alphabet of Ben-Sira
    The Alphabet of Jesus ben Sirach is an anonymous medieval text attributed to Jesus ben Sirach, the author of the Wisdom of Sirach. It is dated to anywhere between A.D. 700 and 1000. It is a compilation of two lists of proverbs, 22 in Aramaic and 22 in Hebrew, both arranged as alphabetic acrostics...

  • Joseph and Aseneth
    Joseph and Aseneth
    Joseph and Aseneth is an ancient apocryphal expansion of the Book of Genesis's account of the patriarch Joseph's marriage to Aseneth....

  • The Septuagint
  • Bel and the Dragon
    Bel and the Dragon
    The narrative of Bel and the Dragon incorporated as chapter 14 of the extended Book of Daniel exists only in Greek in the Septuagint. This chapter, along with chapter 13, is referred to as deuterocanonical, in that it is not universally accepted among Christians as belonging to the canonical works...

  • The Acts of Peter
    Acts of Peter
    The Acts of Peter is one of the earliest of the apocryphal Acts of the Apostles. The majority of the text has survived only in the Latin translation of the Vercelli manuscript. It is mainly notable for a description of a miracle contest between Saint Peter and Simon Magus, and as the first record...

  • The Acts of Paul and Thecla
    Acts of Paul and Thecla
    The Acts of Paul and Thecla is an apocryphal story— Goodspeed called it a "religious romance"— of St Paul's influence on a young virgin named Thecla. It is one of the writings of the New Testament Apocrypha.- The text :...

  • Mar Saba letter
    Mar Saba letter
    The Mar Saba Letter is an epistle attributed to Clement of Alexandria and discovered by Morton Smith in 1958. It contains the only known references to the Secret Gospel of Mark.-Discovery and disappearance:...

     and The Secret Gospel of Mark
    Secret Gospel of Mark
    The Secret Gospel of Mark is a putative non-canonical Christian gospel known exclusively from the Mar Saba letter, which describes Secret Mark as an expanded version of the canonical Gospel of Mark with some episodes elucidated, written for an initiated elite.In 1973 Morton Smith , professor of...

  • The Gospel of Judas
    Gospel of Judas
    The Gospel of Judas is a Gnostic gospel that purportedly documents conversations between the Disciple Judas Iscariot and Jesus Christ.It is believed to have been written by Gnostic followers of Jesus, rather than by Judas himself, and probably dates from no earlier than the 2nd century, since it...

See also

  • Bible
    The Bible refers to any one of the collections of the primary religious texts of Judaism and Christianity. There is no common version of the Bible, as the individual books , their contents and their order vary among denominations...

  • Biblical canon
    Biblical canon
    A biblical canon, or canon of scripture, is a list of books considered to be authoritative as scripture by a particular religious community. The term itself was first coined by Christians, but the idea is found in Jewish sources. The internal wording of the text can also be specified, for example...

  • Apocrypha
    The term apocrypha is used with various meanings, including "hidden", "esoteric", "spurious", "of questionable authenticity", ancient Chinese "revealed texts and objects" and "Christian texts that are not canonical"....

  • Banned from the Bible
    Banned from the Bible
    Banned from the Bible is a documentary television series that originally aired on the History Channel as Time Machine: Banned from the Bible in 2003. Banned from the Bible discusses the ancient books that did not become part of the Biblical canon...

     - the original special
  • The Bible's Buried Secrets
    The Bible's Buried Secrets
    "The Bible's Buried Secrets" is the title of a NOVA program that stirred controversy even before its first airing on PBS, on November 18, 2008. According to the program's official website: "The film presents the latest archeological scholarship from the Holy Land to explore the beginnings of modern...

     - PBS
    Public Broadcasting Service
    The Public Broadcasting Service is an American non-profit public broadcasting television network with 354 member TV stations in the United States which hold collective ownership. Its headquarters is in Arlington, Virginia....

    documentary (2008)

External links

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