Bank Saudara
PT Bank Himpunan Saudara 1906 is an Indonesia-based financial institution. The Bank's products and services include savings and checking accounts, fixed deposits, credit loans and other banking services. As of December 31, 2008, the Bank was supported by 10 branch offices, 13 supporting branches, 18 cash offices, 30 automated teller machines (ATM) and one payment point.
» Director
Board of directors
» Dewan Komisaris- Komisaris Utama : R. Maulana Ibrahim, MA
- Komisaris : Maskan Iskandar,SH
» Director
- Direktur Utama : Farid Rahman, SE. MBA
- Direktur Bisnis dan Operasi : Yanto M. Purbo, MBA
- Direktur Kepatuhan dan SDM : Ir. Arief Budiman