Bank Permata
Bank Bali
PT Bank Permata Tbk (formerly PT Bank Bali Tbk) was established in Indonesia on December 17, 1954 based on the notarial deed No. 228 of Eliza Pondaag, S.H., substitute of Raden Mas Soerojo, S.H., notary in Jakarta. The deed of establishment was approved by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia (currently Minister of Justice and Human Rights) in its Decision Letter No. J.A.5/2/2 dated January 4, 1955, registered in Jakarta District Court under No. 123 dated January 15, 1955 and published in Supplement No. 292 to State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia No. 22 dated March 18, 1955.Bank Bali started its commercial operations on January 5, 1955. According to article 3 of its Articles of Association, the Bank operates as a commercial bank. The Bank obtained the license as a commercial bank under the Decision Letter of the Minister of Finance No. 19371/U.M.II dated February 19, 1957. The Bank also obtained a license to engage in foreign exchange activities and as a bank which engaged in activities based on sharia principles based on the Decision Letter of the Monetary Council of Bank Indonesia No. Sekr/D.M./97 dated May 8, 1956.
Based on the Minutes of Extraordinary of General Meeting of Stockholders which was effected by the notarial deed of A. Partomuan Pohan, S.H., LL.M No. 46 dated September 27, 2002, PT Bank Bali Tbk (Bank Bali) and 4 Banks Under Restructuring (BUR), consisting of PT Bank Universal Tbk (Universal), PT Bank Prima Express (Primex), PT Bank Artamedia (Artamedia) and PT Bank Patriot (Patriot), with the approval from the Extraordinary General Meetings of Stockholders of each respective bank, have agreed to enter into a merger.This merger became effective since the approval of the Minister of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia based on its decision letter No. C-18778.HT.01.04.TH.2002 dated September 30, 2002.
To fulfill the minimum Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) stipulated by Bank Indonesia
Bank Indonesia
Bank Indonesia is the central bank of The Republic of Indonesia. Bank Indonesia is currently governed by Darmin Nasution, former interim governor. The last governor before the interim phase, Boediono, resigned due to his vice presidential candidacy in the Indonesian presidential election...
as a consequence of the legal transfer of all assets and liabilities from the 4 BUR to the Bank Bali, IBRA made a temporary capital investment to the Bank Bali amounted to IDR 4,600,000. This temporary capital investment was made through private placement without preemptive rights of 111,111,111,111 new class B shares with nominal value of IDR 5 per share or total nominal value of IDR 555,556 and the remaining balance amounting to IDR 4,044,444 as additional paid-in capital.
Based on the Decision of the Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia No. 4/159/KEP.DpG/2002 dated September 30, 2002, Bank Indonesia
Bank Indonesia
Bank Indonesia is the central bank of The Republic of Indonesia. Bank Indonesia is currently governed by Darmin Nasution, former interim governor. The last governor before the interim phase, Boediono, resigned due to his vice presidential candidacy in the Indonesian presidential election...
approved the merger of the 4 BUR into Bank Bali. The merger subsequently became effective after the approval of the changes in the Surviving Bank’s Articles of Association by the Minister of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia in its Decision Letter No. C-18861.HT.01.04.TH.2002 dated September 30, 2002.
Based on the letter of Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia No. 4/162/KEP.DpG/2002 dated October 18, 2002, Bank Indonesia
Bank Indonesia
Bank Indonesia is the central bank of The Republic of Indonesia. Bank Indonesia is currently governed by Darmin Nasution, former interim governor. The last governor before the interim phase, Boediono, resigned due to his vice presidential candidacy in the Indonesian presidential election...
approved the change of Bank Bali’s name from PT Bank Bali Tbk (Bank Bali) to PT Bank Permata Tbk (Bank Permata).
Shareholder | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 |
Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency The Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency ) is part of a series of strategic policies taken by the Indonesian government in response to the banking and economic crisis which befell the country following the onset of the Asian monetary crisis in mid 1997... |
Astra International Astra International was founded in 1957, based on a small trading business operated by brothers Tjia Kian Tie and William Soeryadjaya. The family had begun its trading activities by the 1940s, initially operated as a distributor of fruit juices and other agricultural and grocery goods, before... |
Standard Chartered Bank Standard Chartered PLC is a multinational financial services company headquartered in London, United Kingdom with operations in more than seventy countries... |
1 In the financial report, government manages its share in Bank Permata under PT Perusahaan Pengelola Asset (PPA) (Ministry of Finance of of the Republic of Indonesia)
This is the list of Bank Permata subsidiaries.- PT Bali Securities - Securities (note: The entire shareholding at PT Bali Securities was divested on 15 January 2010)
- PT Bali Tunas Finance - Consumer Finance & Leasing (note: The expiration of the legal status of PT Bali Tunas Finance was published in the State Gazette of Republic of Indonesia No. 83 dated 16 October 2009)
- PT Asuransi Permata Nipponkoa Indonesia - General Insurance
- PT Sarana Bali Ventura - Venture Capital
- PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia - Capital Market
- PT Sarana Bersama Pembiayaan Indonesia - Investment
- PT Aplikanusa LintasartaLintasartaPT Aplikanusa Lintasarta is data communication, internet service and value-added service provider in Indonesia.At the beginning, Lintasarta focus on its mission to develop information technology for national banking sector...
- Communication