Bala (Virgin Comics)
Bala is a comic book character from the Devi comic book by Virgin Comics.


Bala was the son of Bodha, king of the gods, and became unsatisfied with his life in the heavens, deciding to instead conquer the people of the mortal realm, and feed off their worship, to become the most powerful god. The gods chose to send an Avatar
In Hinduism, an avatar is a deliberate descent of a deity to earth, or a descent of the Supreme Being and is mostly translated into English as "incarnation," but more accurately as "appearance" or "manifestation"....

 of their power, known as the Devi, to battle Bala. After escaping in the modern age, and re-building his power, Bala battled the most recent incarnation of the Devi, Tara Mehta
Tara Mehta
Tara Mehta is a comic book character from the Devi comic book by Virgin Comics.-Biography:Tara Mehta was the latest host for the avatar of the gods, Devi, who was incarnated onto the mortal plane every time the threat of Lord Bala presented itself...

. Bala prefers to take the form of a bat-like creature, to induce terror in his enemies.
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