Bagthorpes Unlimited
Bagthorpes Unlimited is the third children's novel in The Bagthorpe Saga
The Bagthorpe Saga
The Bagthorpe Saga is a series of 10 fiction books written by author Helen Cresswell between 1977 and 2001. The series became the basis of a TV comedy series - also called The Bagthorpe Saga - in 1981, and also won two International Reading Association awards...

, a series by author Helen Cresswell
Helen Cresswell
Helen Cresswell was an English author of more than 100 children's books, including the Lizzie Dripping series, and The Bagthorpe Saga...

. It was first published in 1978.

Plot summary

The book begins with a burglary at Unicorn House, the dwelling of the Bagthorpe family. This burglary causes Grandma to decide that she needs to have her family around her, so she organizes a family reunion. When their very talented, fastidious, and religious cousins come to visit, all the Bagthorpes go on quests to obtain immortality, hoping to best their talented relatives. Meanwhile, Daisy has the wrong idea about suitable presents for Grandma.
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