Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir
The Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir, called BAPETEN is Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency of Indonesia. BAPETEN is a non-Department Government Institution (LPND) which is under and responsible to the President. BAPETEN has the tasks of implementing the surveillance of all activities of the use of nuclear energy in Indonesia through regulation, licensing and inspection in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. BAPETEN was founded on May 8, 1998 and began actively working on January 4, 1999.
The establishment of this committee was based on the many nuclear explosion tests carried in the 1950s by several countries, especially the United States in different regions of the Pacific, that have given rise to the concerns of radioactive material falling in parts of Indonesia. The task of this committee was to investigate the effect of nuclear explosion testing, overseeing the use of nuclear energy, and providing annual reports to the government.
The task of the Atomic Energy Agency was to conduct research in the field of nuclear power and to supervise the use of nuclear energy in Indonesia.
BATAN’s task is to carry out nuclear energy research and supervise the use of nuclear energy in Indonesia. Supervision of nuclear energy usage was carried out by units under BATAN, the last of such unit was the Atomic Energy Control Bureau (BPTA).
National legislation through Law Act No. 10/1997 on the authority OF nuclear energy has provided for the Nuclear Energy Control Board (BAPETEN) to carry out oversight functions against the use of nuclear energy, which includes licensing, inspection and enforcement of regulations. Nuclear energy Act also requires the separation between the regulatory body, i.e. BAPETEN, and the research agency, i.e. BATAN.
1954 -1958
State Committee for the Investigation of RadioactivityThe establishment of this committee was based on the many nuclear explosion tests carried in the 1950s by several countries, especially the United States in different regions of the Pacific, that have given rise to the concerns of radioactive material falling in parts of Indonesia. The task of this committee was to investigate the effect of nuclear explosion testing, overseeing the use of nuclear energy, and providing annual reports to the government.
1958 - 1964
Atomic Energy AgencyThe task of the Atomic Energy Agency was to conduct research in the field of nuclear power and to supervise the use of nuclear energy in Indonesia.
1964 - 1997
National Atomic Energy Agency (BATAN)BATAN’s task is to carry out nuclear energy research and supervise the use of nuclear energy in Indonesia. Supervision of nuclear energy usage was carried out by units under BATAN, the last of such unit was the Atomic Energy Control Bureau (BPTA).
1997 - Now
Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN)National legislation through Law Act No. 10/1997 on the authority OF nuclear energy has provided for the Nuclear Energy Control Board (BAPETEN) to carry out oversight functions against the use of nuclear energy, which includes licensing, inspection and enforcement of regulations. Nuclear energy Act also requires the separation between the regulatory body, i.e. BAPETEN, and the research agency, i.e. BATAN.