Back in Black (novel)
Back in Black is the fifth novel in the A-List series by Zoey Dean
Zoey Dean
Zoey Dean is the pseudonym for the creators of The A-List series and How to Teach Filthy Rich Girls, which has been renamed and turned into a TV show known as Privileged on the CW in September 2008...

. It was released in 2005 through Megan Tingley Publishers.

Plot summary

Back in Black finds the A-List crew in Las Vegas! They have decided to forgo the school sponsored trip to Washington D.C. in favor of a far more exciting adventure. The trip starts with a "tacky outfit" contest, suggested by who else than Cammie that ends in its own interesting way. During this whole adventure Anna is pining for Ben who is away at school, and trying to convince him to join them in Vegas. Anna's best friend Cyn turns up with her boyfriend Scott Spencer. The crew decides to visit a hypnotist, this book is also and secrets and surprises are revealed, that no one expected that leads to cat fights, and revelations that were much more appropriate kept inside. Dee of course has decided that instead of partaking in all the sinful action of the city that she is going to reform the sinners of the sin city, which leads to an ending and a breakdown that makes everyone forget what was said at the hypnotist. At the end, before they go back to Beverly Hills, Ben shows up and Anna stays behind with him. They have a chance to talk about what happened between them. Ben confesses that he's seeing someone at school, Blythe, but its not serious. In the end Anna and Ben decide to get back together.
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