Bacilladnavirus is a genus of single stranded DNA virus
DNA virus
A DNA virus is a virus that has DNA as its genetic material and replicates using a DNA-dependent DNA polymerase. The nucleic acid is usually double-stranded DNA but may also be single-stranded DNA . DNA viruses belong to either Group I or Group II of the Baltimore classification system for viruses...

es. Species in this genus infect diatom
Diatoms are a major group of algae, and are one of the most common types of phytoplankton. Most diatoms are unicellular, although they can exist as colonies in the shape of filaments or ribbons , fans , zigzags , or stellate colonies . Diatoms are producers within the food chain...


The name is derived from the phrase: DNA virus infecting Bacillariophytes.

The type species is Chaetoceros salsugineum DNA virus 01.


The genome of these viruses appears to be unique. It consists of a single molecule of covalently closed circular single stranded DNA of ~6 kilobases as well as a segment of linear ssDNA of ~1 kilobase. The linear segment is complementary to a portion of the closed circle creating a partially double stranded region.

There are at least three major open reading frames: one of these has a high similarity to replicase related proteins of the other ssDNA viruses.


These viruses have been isolated from diatoms of the Chaetoceros
Chaetoceros is probably the largest genus of marine planktonic diatoms with approximately 400 species described. Although a large number of these descriptions are no longer valid. It is often very difficult to distinguish between different Chaetoceros species...


The virons are ~34 nanometers (nm) in diameter.

The virons accumulate in the nucleus.

Mature virons are released by lysis of the host.
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