BLUF (communication)
B.L.U.F. is an acronym (alternatively, initialism)
Acronym and initialism
Acronyms and initialisms are abbreviations formed from the initial components in a phrase or a word. These components may be individual letters or parts of words . There is no universal agreement on the precise definition of the various terms , nor on written usage...

 for "Bottom Line Up Front". The term is common in US military writing.The concept is not exclusive to writing; it can also refer to conversations and interviews.


The BLUF model can be routinely seen in executive summaries in reports, subject lines in e-mails, and abstracts in scholarly articles. It applies directly to the format of a résumé
A résumé is a document used by individuals to present their background and skillsets. Résumés can be used for a variety of reasons but most often to secure new employment. A typical résumé contains a summary of relevant job experience and education...

to prevent it being too long or wordy. In technical writing, BLUF is considered an essential skill. It has also been advocated for scholarly articles.


In conversation, the BLUF model can be used to keep conversation or answers to questions concise and focused on the immediate topic, in order to help a person talk less (such as in an interview).


The BLUF model can also be used in planning and management to ensure the purpose of plans are kept in mind, decision-maker support is more readably attainable, and measurement of impact may more easily and accurately be assessed.

Medical assessment

BLUF is also key in medical assessment to determine quickly the most pressing problem facing a patient.
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