Axel! is a German comedy television series, based around the character of the psychologist Axel (Axel Stein). It aired on Sat.1
between 2002 and 2004. It continued in 2005 with Axel! will’s wissen
Sat.1 is a privately owned German television broadcasting station. Sat.1 was the first privately owned television broadcasting station in Germany, having started one day before RTL Television....
between 2002 and 2004. It continued in 2005 with Axel! will’s wissen
Axel! will’s wissen
Axel! will’s wissen is a 2005 German comedy television series, based around the character of the psychologist Axel . It is a continuation of the series Axel!. 26 episodes were produced; season 1 aired on Sat.1, season 2 aired on ProSieben....