Awards and decorations of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Commissioned Corps, one of the seven uniformed services of the United States, has the authority to issue various awards and commendations to its members. These include individual honor awards, unit honor awards, service awards, training ribbons and qualification insignia. NOAA Corps awards and decorations include:
The NOAA Command-at-Sea insignia is authorized for incumbents serving under orders designating them in command of Class 1 through Class 5 NOAA commissioned vessels. A NOAA Corps officer who previously successfully held command (but is not currently in command) of a NOAA commissioned vessel for at least six months during which the vessel was engaged for at least four months in operations at sea, is authorized to wear the Command-at-Sea insignia.
NOAA Corps officers not qualifying for the Command-at-Sea insignia but serving under orders designating them as officer-in-charge or in command of NOAA vessels, greater than 50 feet in length up through Class 6, may wear the Small-Craft-Command insignia. An officer must have been in charge of or held command for at least six months during which the vessel spent four months in field operations, may wear the Small-Craft-Command insignia. This insignia is not worn when the Command-at-Sea insignia is authorized.
NOAA Chief-of-Party Insignia is authorized for incumbents serving in assignments designating them as Chief-of-Party or equivalent. A NOAA Corps officer who has previously served in an assignment as Chief-of-Party, or equivalent, for at least six months during which the unit was engaged for at least four months in field operations may wear the Chief-of-Party insignia.
For each of the three Command insignia, eligibility to wear them is not attained by a NOAA Corps officer being temporarily or acting in command due to absence, illness or transfer of the designated commanding officer, for periods of less than six continuous months.
An incumbent officer wears insignia centered 1/4 inch above the right breast pocket or pocket flap. When a name tag or ribbon bars are worn on the right breast, the insignia is centered 1/4 inch above them. On the men's Service Dress Blue coat, the insignia is positioned on the right breast as though there were a pocket. On Formal Dress and Dinner Dress Jacket (Blue or White), men wear the insignia centered on the right lapel, 3 inches below the notch; women wear the insignia centered on the right lapel, down one third the distance between the shoulder seam and the coat hem.
A post tour officer wears insignia on the left breast 1/4 inch below the top of the pocket/flap. Only one post-tour command insignia may be worn; the choice of insignia is at the individual's discretion. When wearing two qualification insignia, the command insignia is worn 1/4 inch below the secondary insignia, or on uniforms with pocket flaps, 1/4 inch below the flap.
NOAA Corps officers who have qualified as aviators, divers, submariners, parachutists, &c., or are otherwise entitled to wear a qualification insignia at their discretion. As follows are the qualification insignia awarded by the NOAA.
NOAA Corps officers certified as Senior Watch Officer may wear the NOAA Deck Officer insignia after authorization by the Director of the NOAA Corps.
NOAA Corps officer pilots and navigators may wear the NOAA aviator insignia after authorization by the Director of the NOAA Corps.
NOAA Corps officers qualified as NOAA divers may wear the NOAA diver insignia after authorization by the Director of the NOAA Corps.
NOAA Corps officers with multiple qualifications may wear two insignia, placing one in the primary position and one in the secondary position. Only one insignia from any qualification category (i.e., diver, aviator, etc.) is authorized for wear at the same time.
When wearing the insignia with ribbon bars or medals, the primary insignia is centered above ribbon bars or medals with the lower edge of the device 1/4-inch above the top row of ribbon bars or medals. The secondary insignia is centered below ribbon bars with the top of the device 1/4 inch below the top of the pocket or pocket flap, or centered below medals with the top of the device 1/4 inch below the lowest row of medals.
Without ribbon bars or medals, the primary insignia is centered above the left pocket with the lower edge of the device 1/4 inch above the top of the pocket. In dress uniforms, men center the insignia on the left lapel, 3 inches below the notch; women center the insignia on the left lapel down one-third the distance between the shoulder seam and coat hem. Secondary insignia is centered 1/4 inch below the top of the pocket or pocket flap. On Dinner Dress Jacket uniforms, position the secondary insignia 1/4 inch below the primary insignia. Secondary insignia are not authorized for wear on working uniforms.
An individual decoration awarded annually to a NOAA Corps officer, below the grade of lieutenant commander, to recognize outstanding contributions to NOAA, outstanding performance, and/or the positive reflection cast by the recipient upon the NOAA Corps.
An individual decoration recognizing an outstanding scientific contribution made by an officer. This award is distinguished from the Junior Officer of the Year Award by a bronze-colored "S" attached to the large medal, miniature medal, and ribbon bar.
An individual decoration recognizing an outstanding engineering contribution made by an NOAA Corps officer. This award is distinguished from the Junior Officer of the Year Award by a bronze-colored "E" attached to the large medal, miniature medal, and ribbon bar.
An individual award recognizing a member of the National Ocean Service, officer or civilian, active or retired, for the most outstanding contribution to military engineering through achievement in design, construction, administration, research, or development. Award is made by SAME.
A group award presented annually by SAME to a field unit of the National Ocean Service that has made an outstanding contribution in an engineering or scientific field.
Command insignia
There are three NOAA Command insignia: NOAA Command-at-Sea, NOAA Small-Craft-Command, and NOAA Chief-of-Party.
- NOAA Command-at-Sea Insignia is a gold-colored pin consisting of a triangle superimposed on anchor flukes and an unfurled commissioning pennant showing six triangles.
The NOAA Command-at-Sea insignia is authorized for incumbents serving under orders designating them in command of Class 1 through Class 5 NOAA commissioned vessels. A NOAA Corps officer who previously successfully held command (but is not currently in command) of a NOAA commissioned vessel for at least six months during which the vessel was engaged for at least four months in operations at sea, is authorized to wear the Command-at-Sea insignia.

- NOAA Small-Craft-Command Insignia is a bronze-colored insignia, of the same design and sizes as the Command-at-Sea insignia.
NOAA Corps officers not qualifying for the Command-at-Sea insignia but serving under orders designating them as officer-in-charge or in command of NOAA vessels, greater than 50 feet in length up through Class 6, may wear the Small-Craft-Command insignia. An officer must have been in charge of or held command for at least six months during which the vessel spent four months in field operations, may wear the Small-Craft-Command insignia. This insignia is not worn when the Command-at-Sea insignia is authorized.

- NOAA Chief-of-Party Insignia is a gold-colored pin consisting of a raised equilateral triangle.
NOAA Chief-of-Party Insignia is authorized for incumbents serving in assignments designating them as Chief-of-Party or equivalent. A NOAA Corps officer who has previously served in an assignment as Chief-of-Party, or equivalent, for at least six months during which the unit was engaged for at least four months in field operations may wear the Chief-of-Party insignia.
For each of the three Command insignia, eligibility to wear them is not attained by a NOAA Corps officer being temporarily or acting in command due to absence, illness or transfer of the designated commanding officer, for periods of less than six continuous months.
An incumbent officer wears insignia centered 1/4 inch above the right breast pocket or pocket flap. When a name tag or ribbon bars are worn on the right breast, the insignia is centered 1/4 inch above them. On the men's Service Dress Blue coat, the insignia is positioned on the right breast as though there were a pocket. On Formal Dress and Dinner Dress Jacket (Blue or White), men wear the insignia centered on the right lapel, 3 inches below the notch; women wear the insignia centered on the right lapel, down one third the distance between the shoulder seam and the coat hem.
A post tour officer wears insignia on the left breast 1/4 inch below the top of the pocket/flap. Only one post-tour command insignia may be worn; the choice of insignia is at the individual's discretion. When wearing two qualification insignia, the command insignia is worn 1/4 inch below the secondary insignia, or on uniforms with pocket flaps, 1/4 inch below the flap.
Qualification insignia

- NOAA Deck Officer Insignia is a gold-colored pin displaying breaking waves, with a central device consisting of a fouled anchor surcharged with a NOAA Corps device.
NOAA Corps officers certified as Senior Watch Officer may wear the NOAA Deck Officer insignia after authorization by the Director of the NOAA Corps.
- NOAA Aviator Insignia is a gold-colored pin, winged, with a central device consisting of a fouled anchor surcharged with a NOAA Corps device.
NOAA Corps officer pilots and navigators may wear the NOAA aviator insignia after authorization by the Director of the NOAA Corps.
- NOAA Diver Insignia is a gold-colored pin consisting of a NOAA Corps device surrounded by two dolphins.
NOAA Corps officers qualified as NOAA divers may wear the NOAA diver insignia after authorization by the Director of the NOAA Corps.
NOAA Corps officers with multiple qualifications may wear two insignia, placing one in the primary position and one in the secondary position. Only one insignia from any qualification category (i.e., diver, aviator, etc.) is authorized for wear at the same time.
When wearing the insignia with ribbon bars or medals, the primary insignia is centered above ribbon bars or medals with the lower edge of the device 1/4-inch above the top row of ribbon bars or medals. The secondary insignia is centered below ribbon bars with the top of the device 1/4 inch below the top of the pocket or pocket flap, or centered below medals with the top of the device 1/4 inch below the lowest row of medals.
Without ribbon bars or medals, the primary insignia is centered above the left pocket with the lower edge of the device 1/4 inch above the top of the pocket. In dress uniforms, men center the insignia on the left lapel, 3 inches below the notch; women center the insignia on the left lapel down one-third the distance between the shoulder seam and coat hem. Secondary insignia is centered 1/4 inch below the top of the pocket or pocket flap. On Dinner Dress Jacket uniforms, position the secondary insignia 1/4 inch below the primary insignia. Secondary insignia are not authorized for wear on working uniforms.
NOAA Corps decorations, medals and awards
Members of the NOAA Corps may be authorized to wear awards and decorations presented by the Commerce Department, Defense Department and other uniformed services, the following list is limited to those awards presented by the NOAA Corps.Personal decorations
NOAA Administrator’s Award - An individual decoration recognizing significant contributions in engineering and application, program administration and management, scientific research and achievement, public service, or equal employment opportunity.
NOAA Corps Commendation Medal - The highest honorary award of the NOAA Corps: An individual decoration recognizing significant heroic, meritorious, professional service, or achievement warranting greater recognition than the NOAA Corps Achievement Medal.
NOAA Corps Achievement Medal - An individual decoration recognizing a NOAA Corps officer or a member of another uniformed service detailed, assigned, or attached to NOAA for Sustained Superior Performance or for a Special Act.
NOAA Corps Director's Ribbon - An individual decoration recognizing a NOAA Corps officer or a member of another uniformed service detailed, assigned, or attached to NOAA for noteworthy achievements meriting recognition of lesser extent than the NOAA Corps Achievement Medal.
Unit awards
- NOAA Units Citation Award - A group award recognizing employees in NOAA who, through their individual and collective efforts, have made substantive contributions to the programs or objectives for which NOAA was established.
Non-government decorations
- NOAA Association of Commissioned Officers (ACO) Award Medal
NOAA ACO Junior Officer of the Year = NOAA ACO Award Medal
An individual decoration awarded annually to a NOAA Corps officer, below the grade of lieutenant commander, to recognize outstanding contributions to NOAA, outstanding performance, and/or the positive reflection cast by the recipient upon the NOAA Corps.
NOAA ACO Science Award = NOAA ACO Award Medal with bronze "S" device
An individual decoration recognizing an outstanding scientific contribution made by an officer. This award is distinguished from the Junior Officer of the Year Award by a bronze-colored "S" attached to the large medal, miniature medal, and ribbon bar.
NOAA ACO Engineering Award = NOAA ACO Award Medal with bronze "E" device
An individual decoration recognizing an outstanding engineering contribution made by an NOAA Corps officer. This award is distinguished from the Junior Officer of the Year Award by a bronze-colored "E" attached to the large medal, miniature medal, and ribbon bar.
- Society of American Military EngineersSociety of American Military EngineersThe Society of American Military Engineers is an organization for military engineering professionals. According to its , SAME was formed “in the interest of National Defense… bringing together all phases of U.S...
(SAME) Awards
- Society of American Military Engineers Colbert Medal with silver triangle device
An individual award recognizing a member of the National Ocean Service, officer or civilian, active or retired, for the most outstanding contribution to military engineering through achievement in design, construction, administration, research, or development. Award is made by SAME.
- Society of American Military Engineers Karo Award with bronze triangle device
A group award presented annually by SAME to a field unit of the National Ocean Service that has made an outstanding contribution in an engineering or scientific field.
Campaign and service awards
NOAA Corps Atlantic Service Ribbon - A service award recognizing a sea duty assignment aboard a NOAA vessel operating in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Great Lakes or adjacent waters.
NOAA Corps Pacific Service Ribbon - A service award recognizing a sea duty assignment aboard a NOAA vessel operating in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Bering Sea, or adjacent waters.
NOAA Corps Mobile Duty Service Ribbon - A service award recognizing a mobile duty assignment in the United States, its possessions or territories.
NOAA Corps International Service Ribbon - A service award recognizing an assignment involving international service aboard ship or on land.
Incentive awards (without medal or ribbon)
- NOAA Technology Transfer Award
- NOAA Distinguished Career Award