Auditory means of or relating to the process of hearing:
  • Auditory system
    Auditory system
    The auditory system is the sensory system for the sense of hearing.- Outer ear :The folds of cartilage surrounding the ear canal are called the pinna...

    , the neurological structures and pathways of sound perception.
  • Sound
    Sound is a mechanical wave that is an oscillation of pressure transmitted through a solid, liquid, or gas, composed of frequencies within the range of hearing and of a level sufficiently strong to be heard, or the sensation stimulated in organs of hearing by such vibrations.-Propagation of...

    , the physical signal perceived by the auditory system.
  • Hearing (sense)
    Hearing (sense)
    Hearing is the ability to perceive sound by detecting vibrations through an organ such as the ear. It is one of the traditional five senses...

    , is the auditory sense, the sense by which sound is perceived.
  • Ear
    The ear is the organ that detects sound. It not only receives sound, but also aids in balance and body position. The ear is part of the auditory system....

    , the auditory end organ.
  • Cochlea
    The cochlea is the auditory portion of the inner ear. It is a spiral-shaped cavity in the bony labyrinth, making 2.5 turns around its axis, the modiolus....

    , the auditory branch of the inner ear.
  • Auditory illusion
    Auditory illusion
    An auditory illusion is an illusion of hearing, the aural equivalent of an optical illusion: the listener hears either sounds which are not present in the stimulus, or "impossible" sounds...

    , sound trick analogous to an optical illusion.
  • Primary auditory cortex
    Primary auditory cortex
    The primary auditory cortex is the region of the brain that is responsible for the processing of auditory information. Corresponding roughly with Brodmann areas 41 and 42, it is located on the temporal lobe, and performs the basics of hearing—pitch and volume...

    , the part of the higher-level of the brain that serves hearing.
  • External auditory meatus, the ear canal
    Ear canal
    The ear canal , is a tube running from the outer ear to the middle ear. The human ear canal extends from the pinna to the eardrum and is about 35 mm in length and 5 to 10 mm in diameter....

  • Auditory scene analysis
    Auditory scene analysis
    In psychophysics, auditory scene analysis is the process by which the human auditory system organizes sound into perceptually meaningful elements. The term was coined by psychologist Albert Bregman...

    , the process by which a scene containing many sounds is perceived
  • Auditory phonetics
    Auditory phonetics
    Auditory phonetics is a branch of phonetics concerned with the hearing of speech sounds and with speech perception.-See also:* Acoustic phonetics* Auditory illusion* Auditory processing disorder* Hearing * Motor theory of speech perception...

    , the science of the sounds of language
  • Auditory hallucination
    Auditory hallucination
    An auditory hallucination, or paracusia, is a form of hallucination that involves perceiving sounds without auditory stimulus. A common form involves hearing one or more talking voices...

    ,a form of hallucination that involves perceiving sounds without auditory stimulus
  • Auditory imagery
    Auditory imagery
    In psychology and neuropsychology, auditory imagery is the subjective experience of hearing in the absence of auditory stimulation. It occurs when one mentally rehearses telephone numbers, or has a song "on the brain": the phenomenon is usually defined to be spontaneous ; it can be distressing...

    , hearing in head in the absence of sound
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