Audio Signal Processor
The Audio Signal Processor or ASP (also known as the SoundDroid
The SoundDroid is an early digital audio workstation designed by a team of engineers led by James A. Moorer at Lucasfilm between the 1980 and 1987. It was a hard-disk–based, nonlinear audio editor developed on the Audio Signal Processor , a large-scale digital signal processor for real–time,...

) is a large-scale digital signal processor
Digital signal processor
A digital signal processor is a specialized microprocessor with an architecture optimized for the fast operational needs of digital signal processing.-Typical characteristics:...

 developed by James A. Moorer
James A. Moorer
James Andy Moorer is an internationally-known figure in digital audio and computer music, with over 40 technical publications and four patents to his credit....

 at Lucasfilm
Lucasfilm Limited is an American film production company founded by George Lucas in 1971, based in San Francisco, California. Lucas is the company's current chairman and CEO, and Micheline Chau is the president and COO....

's The Droid Works. He programmed a number of Digital signal processing
Digital signal processing
Digital signal processing is concerned with the representation of discrete time signals by a sequence of numbers or symbols and the processing of these signals. Digital signal processing and analog signal processing are subfields of signal processing...

 algorithms that were used in major motion picture features. Sounds processed by the ASP were used in Return of the Jedi, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is a 1984 American adventure film directed by Steven Spielberg. It is the second film in the Indiana Jones franchise and prequel to Raiders of the Lost Ark . After arriving in India, Indiana Jones is asked by a desperate village to find a mystical stone...

, and others.


  • The Early Years. About Sonic Studio
    Sonic Studio
    Sonic Studio is an American company manufacturing digital audio production tools for engineering professionals. The company was created when Sonic Solutions divested itself of its audio product lines in order to concentrate on DVD and multimedia–oriented products.- Overview :Under the auspices of...

    , LLC.

External links

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