Atsuko Tanaka
is a Japanese voice actress
who works for Ezaki Productions. Her deep and sultry voice is often used to portray villainesses and mature female characters.
Voice acting in Japan has far greater prominence than in most other countries. Japan's large animation industry produces 60% of the animated series in the world; as a result, Japanese voice actors, or , are able to achieve fame on a national and international level.Besides acting as narrators and...
who works for Ezaki Productions. Her deep and sultry voice is often used to portray villainesses and mature female characters.
TV anime
- Angel LinksAngel Linksis an anime television series produced by Sunrise Studio. It was originally aired across the Japanese WOWOW television network from April 7 to June 30, 1999. It is a spin-off of the manga Outlaw Star by Takehiko Itō...
(Valeria Vertone) - Black CatBlack Cat (manga)is a Japanese Shōnen manga series written and illustrated by Kentaro Yabuki. It was originally serialized in Japan in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump. It was later collected in twenty tankōbon volumes from January 11, 2001 to October 9, 2004. The series was adapted into a twenty-four episode anime...
(Echidna Parass) - Berserk (Slan)
- Cowboy BebopCowboy Bebopis a critically acclaimed and award-winning 1998 Japanese anime series directed by Shinichirō Watanabe, written by Keiko Nobumoto, and produced by Sunrise. Its 26 episodes comprise a complete storyline: set in 2071, the series follows the adventures, misadventures and tragedies of five bounty...
(Coffee) - Devil May Cry: The Animated SeriesDevil May Cry: The Animated Seriesis an anime series based on the video game series by Capcom. It debuted on the WOWOW TV network in Japan on June 14, 2007 and ran 12 episodes.The show was produced by the anime studio Madhouse and was directed by Shin Itagaki...
(Trish) - Fancy LalaFancy LalaFancy Lala, known in Japan as is a magical girl anime series produced by Studio Pierrot in 1998. A two-volume manga adaptation by Rurika Kasuga ran in Ribon. The original designs were created by Akemi Takada, who worked on many of the 80's Studio Pierrot series...
(Yumi Haneishi) - Fate/stay nightFate/stay nightis a Japanese visual novel developed by Type-Moon, which was originally released as an adult game for the PC. An all-ages version of Fate/stay night, titled Fate/stay night Réalta Nua, was released for the PlayStation 2 on April 19, 2007, and features the Japanese voice actors from the anime series...
(Caster) - Fushigi YūgiFushigi Yūgi, also known as Curious Play, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yu Watase. Shogakukan published Fushigi Yûgi in Shōjo Comic in its original serialized form from May 1992 through June 1996. Viz Media released the manga series in English in North America starting in 1999...
(Soi) - Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone ComplexGhost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complexis an anime television series produced by Production I.G and based on Masamune Shirow's manga Ghost in the Shell. It was written and directed by Kenji Kamiyama, with original character design by Hajime Shimomura and a soundtrack by Yoko Kanno...
(Motoko KusanagiMotoko Kusanagiis a fictional Japanese character in the Ghost in the Shell anime and manga series. She is a cyborg employed as the squad leader of Public Security Section 9, a fictional division of the real Japanese National Public Safety Commission. She is voiced by Atsuko Tanaka in the movies and the Ghost in...
) - Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. 2nd GIGGhost in the Shell: S.A.C. 2nd GIGis the second season of the anime series Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, based on Masamune Shirow's manga Ghost in the Shell. It was written and directed by Kenji Kamiyama, with original character design by Hajime Shimomura and a soundtrack by Yoko Kanno...
(Motoko KusanagiMotoko Kusanagiis a fictional Japanese character in the Ghost in the Shell anime and manga series. She is a cyborg employed as the squad leader of Public Security Section 9, a fictional division of the real Japanese National Public Safety Commission. She is voiced by Atsuko Tanaka in the movies and the Ghost in...
) - Hataraki ManHataraki Manis a manga by Moyoco Anno, serialised in the seinen magazine Morning. It has been adapted into a TV anime, which screened in Japan from October to December 2006 and a drama that aired from October 2007 to December 2007. The story centres on 28-year old Hiroko Matsukata, editor at the magazine...
(Maiko Kaji) - Ikkitousen Xtreme Xecutor (Moukaku)
- Kannaduki no Miko (Ame no Murakumo)
- Kyōshirō to Towa no Sora (Mika Ayanokōji)
- Mahō Shōjotai ArusuThe Adventures of Tweeny WitchesThe Adventures of Tweeny Witches, known in Japan as , is an anime series produced by Studio 4°C. It was translated and dubbed into English by the anime television network, Animax, who broadcast it in its respective networks in Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent, and other regions, and has been...
(Ateria) - The World God Only Knows (Yuri Nikaidō)
- Mobile Suit Victory GundamMobile Suit Victory Gundam, is a 1993 Japanese science fiction anime television series. It consists of 51 episodes, and was directed by Gundam creator Yoshiyuki Tomino. The series was first broadcast on TV Asahi and later by the anime satellite television network, Animax, across Japan and later its respective networks...
(Yuca Meilasch) - Naruto Shippuden (Konan)
- Nyan Koi!Nyan Koi!is a manga created by Sato Fujiwara. It started serialization on Flex Comix's free web comic FlexComix Blood on August 10, 2007. An anime adaptation premiered on October 1, 2009 in Japan. North American anime distributor Section23 Films announced that Sentai Filmworks has licensed the series...
(Nyamsus) - Outlaw StarOutlaw Staris a seinen manga series written and illustrated by Takehiko Itō and his affiliated Morning Star Studio. The series is a space opera/Space Western that takes place in the "Toward Stars Era" universe in which spacecraft are capable of traveling faster than the speed of light...
(Valeria Vertone) - Pokémon: Best Wishes!Pokémon: Best Wishes!This is a list of episodes of Pokémon: Black & White, the fourteenth season of the Pokémon anime television series, covering the continuing adventures of series protagonist Ash Ketchum as he travels to the new region of Unova. In Japan, this is the first portion of the branding of the anime series...
(Aloe) - Queen's BladeQueen's Bladeis a series of visual combat books published by Hobby Japan based on the licensed works from Flying Buffalo's Lost Worlds. First published in 2005, it features sexually suggestive depictions of an exclusively female cast of characters. The overall plot of the game revolves around a tournament...
(Claudette) - RahXephonRahXephonis a Japanese anime series about 17-year-old Ayato Kamina, his ability to control a godlike mecha known as the RahXephon, and his inner journey to find a place in the world...
(Sayoko Nanamori) - Saiyuki (Gyokumen Koushou)
- Shijō Saikyō no Deshi Kenichi (Freya)
- Shōnen OnmyōjiShonen Onmyojiis a light novel authored by Mitsuru Yūki and illustrated by Sakura Asagi. The novel is currently serialized in Kadokawa Shoten's The Beans. The light novel currently has 25 volumes, including three short stories and a side story...
(Takao no Kami) - Super Doll Licca-chan (Puru)
- Super Robot Wars Original Generation: Divine WarsSuper Robot Wars Original Generation: Divine Warsis a Japanese anime series, that retells the events from the Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation game, a game featuring only original characters and mechs created by Banpresto for the Super Robot Wars franchise. A sequel titled began airing on the October 1, 2010.-Summary:The anime is not a...
(Viletta Vadim) - TrigunTrigunis a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yasuhiro Nightow, published from 1996 to 2008 and spanning 17 collected volumes....
(Claire) - Umineko no Naku Koro niUmineko no Naku Koro niis a Japanese murder mystery dōjin soft visual novel series produced by 07th Expansion. The first game in the series, Legend of the Golden Witch, was first released at Comiket 72 on August 17, 2007 playable on the PC; the game sold out in thirty minutes...
(Kyrie Ushiromiya, Kasumi Sumadera) - UtawarerumonoUtawarerumonois a Japanese adult AVG+SLG visual novel by Leaf which was released on April 26, 2002 for the PC. A manga version was created in 2005 and was first serialized in Dengeki G's Magazine. An anime adaptation aired between April and September 2006, containing twenty-six episodes...
(Karurauatsuurei) - Wolf's RainWolf's Rainis an anime series created by writer and story editor Keiko Nobumoto and produced by Bones Studio. The series was directed by Tensai Okamura and featured character designs by Toshihiro Kawamoto with a soundtrack produced and arranged by Yoko Kanno. It focuses on the journey of four lone wolves...
- Magic User's ClubMagic User's Clubis a magical girl/boy anime, released as a six part OVA in 1996 and then a 13-episode TV series in 1999, which was broadcast by WOWOW, and then by the anime television network, Animax, across its respective networks worldwide, including Southeast Asia, South Asia and other regions...
(Saki Sawanoguchi) - Super Robot Wars Original Generation: The AnimationSuper Robot Wars Original Generation: The Animationis a 3-episode OVA that takes place after the events of Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation 2, a Game Boy Advance game featuring only original characters and mechs created by Banpresto for the Super Robot Wars franchise.-Synopsis:...
(Viletta Vadim) - Carnival PhantasmCarnival PhantasmCarnival Phantasm is a comedy OVA series based on the Type-Moon Gag manga, Take-Moon by Eri Takenashi, the author of Kannagi: Crazy Shrine Maidens. The OVA series was created by Type-Moon to celebrate the company's 10th anniversary...
(Caster, Neco-Arc Destiny)
- Ghost in the ShellGhost in the Shell (film)"See You Everyday" is different from the rest of the soundtrack, being a pop song sung in Cantonese by Fang Ka Wing. It can be faintly heard playing in the marketplace scene, when Batou is hunting the ghost-hacked puppet....
(Motoko KusanagiMotoko Kusanagiis a fictional Japanese character in the Ghost in the Shell anime and manga series. She is a cyborg employed as the squad leader of Public Security Section 9, a fictional division of the real Japanese National Public Safety Commission. She is voiced by Atsuko Tanaka in the movies and the Ghost in...
) - Ghost in the Shell 2: InnocenceGhost in the Shell 2: InnocenceGhost in the Shell 2: Innocence, known simply as in japan, is a 2004 science fiction film and sequel to the anime film, Ghost in the Shell. Released in Japan on March 6, 2004, with an U.S. release on September 17, 2004, Innocence had a production budget of approximately $20 million...
(Motoko KusanagiMotoko Kusanagiis a fictional Japanese character in the Ghost in the Shell anime and manga series. She is a cyborg employed as the squad leader of Public Security Section 9, a fictional division of the real Japanese National Public Safety Commission. She is voiced by Atsuko Tanaka in the movies and the Ghost in...
) - Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. Solid State SocietyGhost in the Shell: S.A.C. Solid State Societyis an OVA and part of the Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex series based on Masamune Shirow's manga Ghost in the Shell. It was produced by Production I.G and directed by Kenji Kamiyama....
(Motoko KusanagiMotoko Kusanagiis a fictional Japanese character in the Ghost in the Shell anime and manga series. She is a cyborg employed as the squad leader of Public Security Section 9, a fictional division of the real Japanese National Public Safety Commission. She is voiced by Atsuko Tanaka in the movies and the Ghost in...
) - Tekken Blood VengeanceTekken Blood Vengeanceis a Japanese 3D computer-animated film based on the Tekken video game series, produced by Digital Frontier and distributed by Asmik Ace Entertainment. The film premiered in North America by Bandai Entertainment on July 26, 2011, and in Australia on July 27, 2011 in a special exclusive one-off...
(Nina WilliamsNina Williamsis a character from Namco's Tekken game series. She is known to be a cold-blooded assassin who had made her very first appearance in the original Tekken game and since has appeared in every Tekken game released...
Video games
- Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland* (Astrid Zxes)
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution: (Zhao Yun Ru)
- Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VIIDirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VIIis an action role-playing third-person shooter video game developed and published by Square Enix in 2006 for the PlayStation 2. It is part of the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII metaseries, a multimedia collection set within the universe of the popular 1997 video game Final Fantasy VII...
(Rosso the Crimson) - Dissidia Final Fantasy, Dissidia 012 Final FantasyDissidia 012 Final Fantasyis a 2011 fighting game published by Square Enix for the PlayStation Portable as part of the Final Fantasy series. It was developed by the company's 1st Production Department...
(Ultimecia) - Final Fantasy Type-0 (Arecia Al-Rashia)
- FISTFIST (Saturn)is a 3D polygon-based fighting game developed by Genki and published by Imagineer for the Sony PlayStation and the Sega Saturn game consoles. It is the third game in the Seifuku Densetsu Pretty Fighter series and the first in the series not only in 3D, but also to feature playable male...
Tokikaze - Fate/Stay Night Réalta NuaFate/stay nightis a Japanese visual novel developed by Type-Moon, which was originally released as an adult game for the PC. An all-ages version of Fate/stay night, titled Fate/stay night Réalta Nua, was released for the PlayStation 2 on April 19, 2007, and features the Japanese voice actors from the anime series...
, Fate/Unlimited CodesFate/Unlimited CodesFate/unlimited codes is a fighting game planned by Cavia and developed by Eighting and published by Capcom. It is based on the visual novel Fate/stay night. It was released for the arcades in Japan on June 11, 2008 and for the PlayStation 2 in Japan on December 18, 2008...
(Caster) - Jet Impulse (Naomi Moriha)
- The Legend of Zelda: Skyward SwordThe Legend of Zelda: Skyward Swordis an action-adventure game for the Wii console and the sixteenth entry in the Legend of Zelda series. Developed by Nintendo Entertainment Analysis and Development, it was released in Europe on November 18, 2011 in North America on November 20, 2011, in Japan on November 23, 2011, and on November...
(Impa) - Namco × Capcom (Chun-LiChun-Liis a video game character produced by Capcom. First introduced in Street Fighter II, she has since appeared as a player character in nearly all subsequent games....
, Regina) - Night TrapNight TrapNight Trap is a video game that was released in North America on October 15, 1992 originally for the Sega Mega-CD. It was filmed over a three week period in 1987 for an unreleased game entitled "Scene of the Crime"...
(Lisa) - SD Gundam G-Generation Series (Elfriede Schultz)
- Soulcalibur LegendsSoulcalibur Legendsis an action-adventure game for the Wii console. It is a spin-off of Namco Bandai's successful Soul fighting game series and primarily features two of its most popular characters: Ivy and Siegfried. It was released on November 20, 2007 in North America and was released in Japan on December 13,...
(Masked Emperor) - Star Ocean: Second Evolution (Opera Vectra)
- Street Fighter III: Third Strike (Chun-LiChun-Liis a video game character produced by Capcom. First introduced in Street Fighter II, she has since appeared as a player character in nearly all subsequent games....
, PoisonPoison (Final Fight)is a fictional character in the Final Fight and Street Fighter series of video games. Created by Akira Yasuda for Capcom, Poison first appeared in Final Fight alongside a similar character, Roxy, later appearing in Capcom-produced games, media and merchandise related to the Street Fighter franchise...
) - Street Fighter X TekkenStreet Fighter X Tekkenis an upcoming crossover fighting game being developed by Capcom. The game was announced at the 2010 San Diego Comic-Con International by Capcom producer Yoshinori Ono. The game is set to release on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows and PlayStation Vita sometime in March 2012. The game...
(PoisonPoisonIn the context of biology, poisons are substances that can cause disturbances to organisms, usually by chemical reaction or other activity on the molecular scale, when a sufficient quantity is absorbed by an organism....
) - Super Robot WarsSuper Robot Warsis a series of tactical role-playing video games produced by Banpresto, which is now a Japanese division of Namco Bandai. The main feature of the franchise is having a story that crosses over several popular mecha anime, manga and video games, allowing characters and mecha from different titles to...
series (Viletta Vadim) - Tenchu 2: Birth of the Stealth AssassinsTenchu 2: Birth of the Stealth AssassinsTenchu 2: Birth of the Stealth Assassins is a stealth game developed by Acquire and published by Activision in North America and Europe and Acquire in Japan for the PlayStation in 2000.-Plot:...
(Lady Kagami) - The Sword of EtheriaThe Sword of EtheriaThe Sword of Etheria, released in Japan as and in Korea as Chains of Power, is a Beat Em' Up/Action Adventure video game for the PlayStation 2 developed by Konami. The game's development team was the same team who created Suikoden III and most of the Castlevania series of games. It was released on...
(Almira) - Tomb Raider IITomb Raider IITomb Raider II is an action-adventure video game in the Tomb Raider series and is the sequel to the 1996 video game Tomb Raider. Developed by Core Design and published by Eidos Interactive, the game was originally released for PlayStation, Windows 95 in November 1997, Macintosh in 1998 and on the...
(Lara CroftLara CroftLara Croft is a fictional character and the protagonist of the Square Enix video game series Tomb Raider. She is presented as a beautiful, intelligent, and athletic British archaeologist-adventurer who ventures into ancient, hazardous tombs and ruins around the world...
) - Tomb Raider IIITomb Raider IIITomb Raider III is an action-adventure video game developed by Core Design and published by Eidos Interactive. It is the third instalment in the Tomb Raider series, and the sequel to Tomb Raider II...
(Lara CroftLara CroftLara Croft is a fictional character and the protagonist of the Square Enix video game series Tomb Raider. She is presented as a beautiful, intelligent, and athletic British archaeologist-adventurer who ventures into ancient, hazardous tombs and ruins around the world...
) - Tomb Raider: The Last RevelationTomb Raider: The Last RevelationTomb Raider: The Last Revelation is the fourth video game in the Tomb Raider series. It was developed by Core Design and published by Eidos Interactive. It was released on PC, PlayStation and eventually to the Sega Dreamcast with exclusive graphical and sound enhancements...
(Lara CroftLara CroftLara Croft is a fictional character and the protagonist of the Square Enix video game series Tomb Raider. She is presented as a beautiful, intelligent, and athletic British archaeologist-adventurer who ventures into ancient, hazardous tombs and ruins around the world...
) - Tomb Raider ChroniclesTomb Raider ChroniclesTomb Raider Chronicles is the fifth game in the Tomb Raider series and the sequel to Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation. It was developed by Core Design and published by Eidos Interactive. The game was originally released in 2000 for PC, Sega Dreamcast and PlayStation...
(Lara CroftLara CroftLara Croft is a fictional character and the protagonist of the Square Enix video game series Tomb Raider. She is presented as a beautiful, intelligent, and athletic British archaeologist-adventurer who ventures into ancient, hazardous tombs and ruins around the world...
) - Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness (Lara CroftLara CroftLara Croft is a fictional character and the protagonist of the Square Enix video game series Tomb Raider. She is presented as a beautiful, intelligent, and athletic British archaeologist-adventurer who ventures into ancient, hazardous tombs and ruins around the world...
) - Too HumanToo HumanToo Human is an action-RPG video game developed by Canadian developer Silicon Knights and published by Microsoft Game Studios for the Xbox 360 console...
(Skuld) - The Last RemnantThe Last Remnantis a role-playing video game developed and published by Square Enix. The game is directed at both Japanese and Western audiences and had a simultaneous release in Japan, North America and Europe, on November 20, 2008 for the Xbox 360. The game was released worldwide for Microsoft Windows at the end...
(Emma) - UtawarerumonoUtawarerumonois a Japanese adult AVG+SLG visual novel by Leaf which was released on April 26, 2002 for the PC. A manga version was created in 2005 and was first serialized in Dengeki G's Magazine. An anime adaptation aired between April and September 2006, containing twenty-six episodes...
(Karurauatsuurei) - Valkyrie Profile 2: SilmeriaValkyrie Profile 2: SilmeriaValkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria is the second installment in the Valkyrie Profile series. It was developed by tri-Ace and published by Square Enix. It was released for the PlayStation 2 on June 22, 2006 in Japan, September 26, 2006 in North America, and September 7, 2007 in Europe and other PAL...
(Ahly, Leone) - Valkyria ChroniclesValkyria Chroniclesis a tactical role-playing game developed and published by Sega for the PlayStation 3. The game was released in 2008.The game is set in Europa, loosely based on Europe in 1935...
(Eleanor Varrot)
- Mahou Sentai MagirangerMahou Sentai Magiranger, is Toei Company's twenty-ninth production of the Super Sentai television series. The action footage was used in Power Rangers Mystic Force and both shows had scenes simultaneously shot in New Zealand...
(Hades Wise Goddess Gorgon) - Juken Sentai GekirangerJuken Sentai Gekirangeris Toei Company's thirty-first entry in the Super Sentai franchise. Production began on September 29, 2006 with principal photography beginning on October 6, 2006. It premiered on TV Asahi on February 18, 2007, and concluded its airing on February 10, 2008...
(Michelle Peng)
- DragonheartDragonheartDragonheart is a 1996 fantasy adventure film directed by Rob Cohen. It stars Dennis Quaid, David Thewlis, Pete Postlethwaite, Dina Meyer, and the voice of Sean Connery. It was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects and various other awards in 1996 and 1997...
(Kara) - Toy Story 3Toy Story 3Toy Story 3 is a 2010 American 3D computer-animated comedy-adventure film, and the third installment in the Toy Story series. It was produced by Pixar and released by Walt Disney Pictures. It was directed by Lee Unkrich. The film was released worldwide from June through October in Disney Digital...
(Dolly) - Transformers: AnimatedTransformers: AnimatedTransformers Animated is an American animated television series based on the Transformers toy line. The series debuted on Cartoon Network on December 26, 2007 and has been shown on NickToons in the UK since February 2008. It is produced by Cartoon Network Studios and animated by Japanese animation...
External links
- Seiyu site
- 2nd GIG Interview Japanese
- VGMDb profile