Astronomy in Chile
Chile can be considered the capital of Astronomy in the world, nowadays (2011) it gathers 42% of Astronomy Infrastructure and by 2018 will concentrate the 70% of the global infrastructure of telescopes. In the north of the country, the skies are clean and dry for more than 300 days a year. These optimal conditions have led the scientific world to develop the most ambitious astronomical projects in history of man kind, in the Atacama desert.

Chile, also has diverse and active astronomical community that includes Chilean and international professional such: astronomers, engineers, students, teachers and amateurs.

Professional astronomy

CATA is the largest Chilean project of R&D in astronomy’s technologies. It’s located in Calán Hill (Cerro Calán), in Santiago, Chile. This center brings together the largest amount of astronomers in Chile from three universities: Universidad de Chile, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and Universidad de Concepción.
CATA develop nine different areas: 6 focused in scientific research, 3 focused on technology advances, and 1 of Education & Outreach (to students, teachers and general public).
This Center its mainly dedicated to supernovae research, it gathers astronomers from: Universidad de Chile, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and Universidad Andrés Bello.

Northern Chile

Central Chile

Southern Chile

Amateur astronomy

International astronomical institutions in Chile

Existing facilities

  • Chilean National Astronomical Observatory (Spanish)
  • Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory
    Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory
    The Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory is a complex of astronomical telescopes and instruments located at 30.169 S, 70.804 W, approximately 80 km to the East of La Serena, Chile at an altitude of 2200 metres. The complex is part of the National Optical Astronomy Observatory along with Kitt...

    : NOAO telescopes, SMART consortium, GONG, PROMPT, ALPACA.
  • Cerro Pachon Observatory: Gemini Observatory
    Gemini Observatory
    The Gemini Observatory is an astronomical observatory consisting of two telescopes at sites in Hawai‘i and Chile. Together, the twin Gemini telescopes provide almost complete coverage of both the northern and southern skies...

    , SOAR Telescope
    SOAR telescope
    The Southern Astrophysical Research Telescope is a modern 4.1-meter-aperture optical and near-infrared telescope located on Cerro Pachón, Chile at 2,738 meters elevation...

  • Llano de Chajnantor Observatory
    Llano de Chajnantor Observatory
    Llano de Chajnantor Observatory is an astronomical observatory located at an altitude of 5,104 m in the Chilean Atacama desert, 50 kilometers to the east of San Pedro de Atacama. It is a very dry site - inhospitable to humans - but an excellent site for submillimetre astronomy...

    : Cosmic Background Imager
    Cosmic Background Imager
    The Cosmic Background Imager was a 13-element interferometer perched at an elevation of 5,080 metres at Llano de Chajnantor Observatory in the Chilean Andes...

     (CBI), Atacama Pathfinder Experiment
    Atacama Pathfinder Experiment
    The Atacama Pathfinder Experiment is a radio telescope located at 5,100 meters above sea level, at the Llano de Chajnantor Observatory in the Atacama desert, in northern Chile, 50 kilometers to the east of San Pedro de Atacama. The main dish has a diameter of 12 meters and consists of 264...

     (APEX), Q/U Imaging ExperimenT QUIET
    QUIET is an astronomy experiment to study the polarization of the cosmic microwave background radiation. QUIET stands for Q/U Imaging ExperimenT. The Q/U in the name refers to the ability of the telescope to measure the Q and U Stokes parameters simultaneously...

  • Pampa La Bola and Purico Complex
    Purico Complex
    The Purico Complex is a pyroclastic shield located in the eastern part of the Atacama desert in Chile's II Region , approximately south of the Bolivia - Chile border...

    : Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment
    Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment
    The Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment is a 10m antenna built by Mitsubishi Electric as a preprototype for ALMA.The ASTE was deployed to its site on Pampa La Bola, near Cerro Chajnantor and the Llano de Chajnantor Observatory in northern Chile. The antenna shows excellent performance...

     (ASTE), NANTEN2 Observatory
    NANTEN2 Observatory
    The NANTEN2 Observatory is a southern sky observatory in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. It is located at an altitude of on Pampa la Bola next to Cerro Chajnantor. The observatory is equipped with a millimeter and submillimeter wave telescope that is used for southern sky observations of...

  • Paranal Observatory: Very Large Telescope (VLT), Visible & Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA Telescope
    VISTA (telescope)
    The VISTA is a reflecting telescope with a 4.1 metre mirror, located at the Paranal Observatory in Chile. It is operated by the European Southern Observatory and saw first light in December 2009...

  • Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA)
  • La Silla Observatory: ESO telescopes,
  • Las Campanas Observatory: Carnegie telescopes, Magellan telescopes
    Magellan telescopes
    The Magellan Telescopes are a pair of 6.5 m diameter optical telescopes located at Las Campanas Observatory in Chile. The two telescopes are named after the astronomer Walter Baade and the philanthropist Landon T...

    , Birmingham Solar Oscillations Network
    Birmingham Solar Oscillations Network
    The Birmingham Solar Oscillations Network consists of a network of six remote solar observatories monitoring low-degree solar oscillation modes. It is operated by the High Resolution Optical Spectroscopy group of the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Birmingham, UK, in...

  • Cerro El Roble Observatory
  • Manuel Foster Observatory
  • TIGO (Transportable Integrated Geodetic Observatory)

Future facilities

Further information on Extremely large telescope
Extremely large telescope
An extremely large telescope is an astronomical observatory featuring a telescope with an aperture of more than 20 m diameter when discussing reflecting telescopes of optical wavelengths including ultraviolet , visible, and near infrared wavelengths. Among many planned capabilities, ELTs are...


Light pollution

  • Light Pollution Office (OPCC): depends on the Comision Nacional de Medio Ambiente (CONAMA) and the international observatories.
  • IDA-Chile: National section of the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA).

Undergraduate programs

Graduate programs

  • Master in Astronomy (Universidad de Chile)
  • Ph.D. in Astronomy (Universidad de Chile)
  • Master in Astronomy (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
  • Ph.D in Astronomy (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
  • Master in Astronomy (Universidad de Concepción)
  • Ph.D. in Astronomy (Universidad de Concepción)

School programs

In Chile

In Chile are more than 100 astronomers, some of the most important are:
  • Mario Hamuy
    Mario Hamuy
    Mario Hamuy is a Chilean Astronomer and Professor of Astronomy at the University of Chile and Cerro Calan Observatory. He is well known for his observational work on all classes of supernovae, especially the use of Type Ia and Type II supernovae as measures of cosmic distance. He was a student in...

     (Universidad de Chile). Main Research Areas: Supernovae, Distance Scale, Observational Cosmology. Main Awards: Guggenheim Scholarship (2011) Hamuy is the second most cited scientist in Chile, and the most cited Chilean astronomer according to is SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System. (Until June 2011)
  • José Maza (Universidad de Chile). Main Research Area: Supernovae. Main Award: National Prize for Exact Sciences (1999)
  • María Teresa Ruiz (Universidad de Chile): Main Research Area: Brown Dwarfs. Main Award: National Prize for Exact Sciences (1997)
  • Guido Garay (Universidad de Chile) Main Research Area: Star Formation
  • Luis Barrera, (UMCE)
  • Leonardo Bronfman, (Universidad de Chile) Main Research Areas: Molecular Clouds, Star Formation & Galactic and Structure, Astronomical Instrumentation
  • Alejandro Clocchiatti (Universidad Católica) Main Research Areas: Supernova and High Performance Astronomical Computing
  • Leopoldo Infante, (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) Main Research Areas: Birth & Evolution of Structures in the Universe, Star Populations.
  • Dante Minitti (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) Main Research Area: Birth & Evolution of Structures in the Universe
  • Douglas Geisler (Universidad de Concepción)
  • Wolfgang Gieren (Universidad de Concepción)
  • Marcelo Mora, (U. Valparaiso)
  • Ramirez, Amelia (U. La Serena): dynamics and evolution of galaxies, galaxy groups and clusters.

Amateur astronomers and teachers

  • Gomez, Arturo: discoverer of the Gomez's Hamburger
    Gomez's Hamburger
    Gomez's Hamburger is believed to be a young star surrounded by a protoplanetary disk. It was initially identified as a protoplanetary nebula , and its distance therefore wrongly estimated to be approximately 6500 light-years away from planet Earth...

    , a protoplanetary disk around a young low mass star.
  • Jimenez, Carmen Gloria: teacher and psychologist working as Educational and Outreach Expert for the Astronomy Department of the Universidad de Concepcion. She is widely known for participating in the NASA's program "Teachers in Space" with chances to visit the International Space Station or participate as ground-based support for space missions of teachers.
  • Picetti, Battista: physics and astronomy teacher in the Seminario Conciliar de La Serena. He won the Michael Faraday Award for the Best Physics Teacher in 2007. Father Picetti is also the creator of El Tololito (La Serena) and Cerro Mayu Observatory


  • Planetarium of the Universidad de Santiago (Santiago)
  • Gemini's Mobible Planetariums (La Serena)

Publications and books

  • Supernovas, José Maza, Mario Hamuy.
  • Hijos de las estrellas, Maria Ruiz. ISBN 9789563040371
  • Astronomía Contemporánea, José Maza
  • Mundos lejanos, Dante Minniti.
  • Con ojos de gigantes: la observación astronómica en el siglo XXI, L. Felipe Barrientos y Sebastian Lopez, Ediciones B. 2008


- Site for astro-tourism in Chile

Astronomy in the media and news sites

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