Associative engine
An associative engine in CAD/solid modelling software is the component which maintains the associative relationships between the collection of geometric entities. The associative relationships are basically LISP
expressions which describe the orientation and placement of two or more geometric entities in relationship to each other. The AE will force a regeneration through the use of transmigration operations if a user changes any of the associations used to make up the final change state.
A lisp is a speech impediment, historically also known as sigmatism. Stereotypically, people with a lisp are unable to pronounce sibilants , and replace them with interdentals , though there are actually several kinds of lisp...
expressions which describe the orientation and placement of two or more geometric entities in relationship to each other. The AE will force a regeneration through the use of transmigration operations if a user changes any of the associations used to make up the final change state.