videos about the image of ninja
in popular culture available in podcast
and vodcast form, as well as in mov and wmv file formats. Only two episodes of the series were released in 2009, seven months apart.
In December 2007, television industry trade magazine TelevisionWeek (www.tvweek.com) reported that Ask a Ninja creators Kent Nichols and Doug Sarine made about $100,000 a month in ad revenue and income from merchandising and licensing from the show.
' I look forward to killing you soon.
There's the myth that santa wears red. That is very true. But, the red comes from the blood of children who have woken up in the middle of the night, snuck downstairs, to try to get a glimpse of santa. Kids- DO NOT DO IT! !
The Ninjas give you a bitchin' 5,000 multiple choice questionaire, and it's tricky.
You don't hire ninjas for everyone you need to kill... that's what Italians are for!
Hey! I'm an Italian...are you callin me a murderer?!
Yes, we fucking are
There are two main catagories of ninjas skills: Deadly and possibly deadly.
And then there's the trash talking that goes on on Xbox Live. Ooh, have you heard some of these kids? I got going with Junkboy45 from Waukegan, Illinois. I just want to... I'm gonna figure out how to do that as a ninja. Just reach through the internet and actually strangle a thirteen year-old over the internet.
You must be able to fold yourself in the wind so that you can you know like... hide from everyone... well, it's like... there's wind... and then you can't be seen.
I suppose nobody has to eat if they don't want to, but that's called Nicole Richie... or Africa.