Arquebuse class destroyer

The Arquebuse class was a class of 20 destroyer
In naval terminology, a destroyer is a fast and maneuverable yet long-endurance warship intended to escort larger vessels in a fleet, convoy or battle group and defend them against smaller, powerful, short-range attackers. Destroyers, originally called torpedo-boat destroyers in 1892, evolved from...

s of the French Navy
French Navy
The French Navy, officially the Marine nationale and often called La Royale is the maritime arm of the French military. It includes a full range of fighting vessels, from patrol boats to a nuclear powered aircraft carrier and 10 nuclear-powered submarines, four of which are capable of launching...

 built between 1902-04, used during the First World War
World War I
World War I , which was predominantly called the World War or the Great War from its occurrence until 1939, and the First World War or World War I thereafter, was a major war centred in Europe that began on 28 July 1914 and lasted until 11 November 1918...



The Catapulte was sunk after a collision with the British steamship Warrimoo near Bizerte
Bizerte or Benzert , is the capital city of Bizerte Governorate in Tunisia and the northernmost city in Africa. It has a population of 230,879 .-History:...

, Tunisia, on 18 May 1918.

The Mousquet was sunk off the entrance of Penang
Penang is a state in Malaysia and the name of its constituent island, located on the northwest coast of Peninsular Malaysia by the Strait of Malacca. It is bordered by Kedah in the north and east, and Perak in the south. Penang is the second smallest Malaysian state in area after Perlis, and the...

harbour in the Strait of Malacca on 28 October 1914 by the German cruiser , which she was attempting to engage.


  • Arbalette
  • Arc
  • Arquebuse
  • Baliste
  • Bélier
  • Bombarde
  • Carabine
  • Catapulte
  • Dard
  • Épieu

  • Francisque
  • Fronde
  • Harpon
  • Javeline
  • Mousquet
  • Mousqueton
  • Pistolet
  • Sabre
  • Sagaie
  • Sarbacane
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