The Argopelter is a fearsome critter
said to inhabit hollow trees of the conifer woods from Maine to Oregon. From this vantage point, the creature would await an unwary person and hurl wooden splinters and branches at the intruder. Some have described the creature as being so quick that it has never been seen. One reference describes the creature as having a "slender, wirely body, the villainous face of an ape, and arms like muscular whiplashes, with which it can snap off dead branches and hurl them through the air like shells from a six inch gun." The argopelter subsides on wood peckers, hoot owls, high holes, and dozy wood. Its pups are born on February 29 and always arrive in odd numbers. Also known as a "Shnickum", one of the key features of this monster would be its height, commonly reaching 10 feet. Reports focusing on the Argopelter's appearance often shift between an ape-like face and a face resembling a Munter/Chunter.
Fearsome critters
Fearsome critter is a term found in early lumberjack folklore for any of the mythical beasts that were said to inhabit the frontier wilderness of North America.- Origins :...
said to inhabit hollow trees of the conifer woods from Maine to Oregon. From this vantage point, the creature would await an unwary person and hurl wooden splinters and branches at the intruder. Some have described the creature as being so quick that it has never been seen. One reference describes the creature as having a "slender, wirely body, the villainous face of an ape, and arms like muscular whiplashes, with which it can snap off dead branches and hurl them through the air like shells from a six inch gun." The argopelter subsides on wood peckers, hoot owls, high holes, and dozy wood. Its pups are born on February 29 and always arrive in odd numbers. Also known as a "Shnickum", one of the key features of this monster would be its height, commonly reaching 10 feet. Reports focusing on the Argopelter's appearance often shift between an ape-like face and a face resembling a Munter/Chunter.