Archangel Ancient Tree Archive
The Archangel Ancient Tree Archive is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to creating clones of the world's largest trees (such as Giant Sequoias) and planting them in a general effort to reduce the effects of global warming, pollution, and other human-caused hazards on the environment through reforestation
Reforestation is the natural or intentional restocking of existing forests and woodlands that have been depleted, usually through deforestation....

 of these trees. In this project, Archangel carefully selects specific trees for specific problems that are presented to the environment and mankind, such as the Black Willow
Black Willow
Salix nigra is a species of willow native to eastern North America, from New Brunswick and southern Ontario west to Minnesota, and south to northern Florida and Texas.-Description:...

 for filtering water and Giant Sequoias for reducing atmospheric carbon. As Archangel takes the genetic material of the largest ancient trees that have been the most successful in combating human interference with the environment, they don't damage the tree or change the chemical make-up of it; they instead clone it under specified conditions (see micropropagation
Micropropagation is the practice of rapidly multiplying stock plant material to produce a large number of progeny plants, using modern plant tissue culture methods....

) and plant them where they will flourish efficiently. Archangel obtains money by selling the cloned trees (as saplings
Although Saplings is generally regarded as one of Noel Streatfeild's novels for adults, published under her pseudonym Susan Scarlett, it is at least partially told from the perspective of four children - Laurel, Tony, Tuesday, and Kim, as well as from the perspective of their mother, Lena...

) to willing donators and uses the money to help projects that help the environment and to help themselves further their goal to restore the environment.
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