Apple Blossom (Cambridge Glass)
The Apple Blossom pattern was manufactured by Cambridge Glass Company from 1930 - 1939. It is a type of Elegant Glass
Elegant glass
Elegant Glass is high quality glassware created in the United States during the Depression Era. It was sold for high prices in department stores and given as wedding gifts. When new, Elegant Glass would cost more than its oft-confused counterpart, Depression glass, because it was at least partially...

. The is an all over floral pattern. It was available in the colors Amber, Blue, Crystal, Heatherbloom, Light Green, Dark Green, Pink, and Yellow.

Quick Facts

Pattern: Apple Blossom

Manufacturer: Cambridge Glass Company

Dates Manufactured: 1930 to 1939

Colors: Amber, Blue, Crystal, Heatherbloom, Light Green, Dark Green, Pink, and Yellow.

Known Items in this Pattern: Various sized plates, a large pitcher, tumblers, goblets, and serving trays.
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