Appendix of the epididymis
On the head of the epididymis
The epididymis is part of the male reproductive system and is present in all male amniotes. It is a narrow, tightly-coiled tube connecting the efferent ducts from the rear of each testicle to its vas deferens. A similar, but probably non-homologous, structure is found in cartilaginous...

 is a small stalked appendage (sometimes duplicated). It is named the appendix of the epididymis (or pedunculated hydatid), and is usually regarded as a detached efferent duct
Efferent ducts
The efferent ducts connect the rete testis with the initial section of the epididymis.There are two basic designs for efferent ductule structure:...


This structure is derived from the Wolffian duct
Wolffian duct
The mesonephric duct is a paired organ found in mammals including humans during embryogenesis....

 (Mesonephric Duct) as opposed to the appendix testis
Appendix testis
The appendix testis is a vestigial remnant of the Müllerian duct, present on the upper pole of the testis and attached to the tunica vaginalis. It is present about 90% of the time.-Clinical significance:...

 which is derived from the mullerian duct
Müllerian duct
Müllerian ducts are paired ducts of the embryo that run down the lateral sides of the urogenital ridge and terminate at the Müllerian eminence in the primitive urogenital sinus. In the female, they will develop to form the Fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, and the upper two-third of the vagina; in...

(Paramesonephric Duct) remnant.

External links

- Torsion of Appendix Epididymis
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