Apache (dance move)
The Texas Tommy(aka Tornado) is the name used in Lindy Hop
Lindy Hop
The Lindy Hop is an American social dance, from the swing dance family. It evolved in Harlem, New York City in the 1920s and '30s and originally evolved with the jazz music of that time. Lindy was a fusion of many dances that preceded it or were popular during its development but is mainly based...

 for a dance move
Dance move
Dance moves or dance steps are the building blocks of many dances.More complex dance moves are called dance patterns, dance figures or dance variations....

 in which the leader executes a swingout
The swingout is the defining dance move of Lindy Hop. The swingout evolved from the breakaway, which in turn evolved from the Texas Tommy. The first documented mention of the swingout pattern that resembles breakaway was in 1911, to describe a "Texas Tommy Swing" show done at the Fairmont hotel in...

 but on the four counts of the return, places the follower's right hand behind her back at waist level and puts that hand in his right hand, a position similar to shaking hands behind the follower's back. The follower then turns in the opposite direction while unrolling her arm, and the couple end up facing each other.

This dance move is used in a number of dances, such as West Coast Swing
West Coast Swing
West Coast Swing is a partner dance with roots in Lindy Hop. It is characterized by a distinctive elastic look that results from its basic extension-compression technique of partner connection, and is danced primarily in a slotted area on the dance floor...

 and Salsa
Salsa (dance)
Salsa is a syncretic dance form with origins in Cuba as the meeting point of Spanish and African cultures.Salsa is normally a partner dance, although there are recognized solo forms such as solo dancing "suelta" and "Rueda de Casino" where multiple couples exchange partners in a circle...

, however the step pattern may vary from dance to dance.

The name Texas Tommy may have derived from a dance with the same name
Texas Tommy (dance)
After the great 1906 earthquake and fire in San Francisco, the Barbary Coast became more of a tourist attraction than its predecessor. Dance-floors and variety shows designed to shock the tourists replaced prostitution as the chief business and many of the dance crazes that swept America during...

 while the name Apache may have derived from the Apache dance.
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