Anziza Salema
Anziza Salema is a Salegy
Salegy is a popular music genre from Madagascar. This Sub-Saharan African folk music originated in the northwestern coastal areas of Madagascar, an island in the Indian Ocean near the southeastern coast of Africa. Salegy is the genre of Malagasy music that has gained the widest recognition and...

 Baôsa singer whose personal and musical roots lie in the Sakalava
The Sakalava are an ethnic group of Madagascar numbering approximately 700,000 in population. Their name means "people of the long valleys." They occupy the Western edge of the island from Toliara in the south to Sambirano in the north. The Sakalava denominate a number of smaller ethnic groups...

 Boina culture of Madagascar
The Republic of Madagascar is an island country located in the Indian Ocean off the southeastern coast of Africa...


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