Antoni Canals
Antoni Canals was a Dominican
Dominican Order
The Order of Preachers , after the 15th century more commonly known as the Dominican Order or Dominicans, is a Catholic religious order founded by Saint Dominic and approved by Pope Honorius III on 22 December 1216 in France...

 friar, orator and writer. He was born in the Kingdom of Valencia
Kingdom of Valencia
The Kingdom of Valencia , located in the eastern shore of the Iberian Peninsula, was one of the component realms of the Crown of Aragon. When the Crown of Aragon merged by dynastic union with the Crown of Castile to form the Kingdom of Spain, the Kingdom of Valencia became a component realm of the...

 and he was famous for his sermons (even though unfortunately none of them has arrived to us) and by three translations or adaptations of classical works into Catalan.

He was disciple of Saint Vincent Ferrer, he taught theology in Valencia until 1398 and he was linked to the Royal Court, where he remained from 1398 until 1401, when he moved to Barcelona
Barcelona is the second largest city in Spain after Madrid, and the capital of Catalonia, with a population of 1,621,537 within its administrative limits on a land area of...

. When he came back to Valencia, he became the lieutenant of the kingdom's inquisitor from 1401 to 1419, when he died.


The main aim of his works is his apostolate. The humanist feature of Antoni Canals' works is limited to three works:
  • Seneca
    Seneca the Younger
    Lucius Annaeus Seneca was a Roman Stoic philosopher, statesman, dramatist, and in one work humorist, of the Silver Age of Latin literature. He was tutor and later advisor to emperor Nero...

    's De providentia translation.
  • Valerius Maximus
    Valerius Maximus
    Valerius Maximus was a Latin writer and author of a collection of historical anecdotes. He worked during the reign of Tiberius .-Biography:...

    ' Dictorum factorumque memorabilium translation. He called that Llibre anomenat Valeri Màxim" (Book called Valerius Maximus).
  • His best humanist work: Raonament fet entre Scipió e Aníbal (Dialogue that was made between Scipio
    -Classical:* Scipio, a representation of the Cornelii Scipiones, branch of the illustrious Cornelii family from Ancient Rome.* Scipio Africanus, Roman general who defeated Hannibal at Zama, the final battle of the Second Punic War....

     and Hannibal), which in fact is a free translation of the seventh book of Petrarca
    Petrarca may refer to:* Petrarch, the English name for Francesco Petrarca , Italian scholar, poet, and Renaissance humanist* David Petrarca , director at the Goodman Theatre* Petrarca Rugby, an Italian rugby union club...

    's Africa, with interpolations that are based on other authors.

External links

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