Anthon B Nilsen
Anthon B Nilsen AS is a Norwegian investment company
Investment company
An investment company is a company whose main business is holding securities of other companies purely for investment purposes. The investment company invests money on behalf of its shareholders who in turn share in the profits and losses....

. It was established by Anthon Bernhard Elias Nilsen
Anthon B. Nilsen
Anthon Bernhard Elias Nilsen was a Norwegian businessman and politician for the Conservative Party. He also wrote novels, under the pseudonym Elias Kræmmer....

 in 1879 to export pulp and paper products and lumber. His sons Reidar and Gunnar Holst took over in the 1930s, and ultimately established the Reidar and Gunnar Holst Foundation in 1973 to assure long-term ownership. In 2000, Nicolai H. Løvenskiold and Peder Chr. Løvenskiold bought 25% of the shares each.

Company operations

As of 2008 the company has invested in recycling, education and property, with one subdivision for each field. Through its subdivision ABN Education (Anthon B Nilsen Utdanning) it owns several private high school and college institutions in Norway, including the Norwegian School of Information Technology
Norwegian School of Information Technology
Norwegian School of Information Technology is a Norwegian information technology university college located in Oslo, Norway.It previously had schools located in Bergen, Stavanger and Bærum, but these were later shut down....

, NKI Fjernundervisning
NKI Fjernundervisning
NKI Fjernundervisning is a Norwegian correspondence school, established in 1959. The school was formerly a part of NKI Norsk Kunnskaps-Institutt AS, but since 2007 is part of the company Anthon B Nilsen...

, the Nordic Institute of Stage and Studio
Nordic Institute of Stage and Studio
The Nordic Institute of Stage and Studio is a private college located in Oslo, Norway. It focuses on subjects related to stage, studio, film and television, and is one of the largest educational centers in the Nordic countries with this specific theme....

, Westerdals School of Communication
Westerdals School of Communication
Westerdals School of Communication is a private school in Oslo that offers an education in advertising, design and communications. In 2001, Westerdal School of Communication was founded after the merger of three independent schools: Westerdals Advertising School, School for Graphic Design and...

, Treider College and Bjørknes College
Bjørknes College
Bjørknes College is a private, regional college offering courses at bachelor level in heath sciences and humanities. Based in St. Hanshaugen in Oslo, Norway, the college has an enrollment of 1,000 students, including those studying via the Internet...

. It owns one college in a foreign country; in Sweden
Sweden , officially the Kingdom of Sweden , is a Nordic country on the Scandinavian Peninsula in Northern Europe. Sweden borders with Norway and Finland and is connected to Denmark by a bridge-tunnel across the Öresund....


The recycling division ABN Recycling (Anthon B Nilsen S.A.S.) has its main office in Paris
Paris is the capital and largest city in France, situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Île-de-France region...

, and has regional offices in Tofte, Boninne, London
London is the capital city of :England and the :United Kingdom, the largest metropolitan area in the United Kingdom, and the largest urban zone in the European Union by most measures. Located on the River Thames, London has been a major settlement for two millennia, its history going back to its...

 and Alzira, Valencia
Alzira, Valencia
Alzira is a town and municipality of 45,000 inhabitants in Valencia, eastern Spain. It is the capital of the comarca of Ribera Alta in the province of Valencia.-Geographic situation:...



In August 2007, ABN Property (Anthon B Nilsen Eiendom), came in the spotlight as the company CG Holding tried to buy the paper mill in Hurum
Hurum is a municipality in Buskerud county, Norway. The administrative centre of the municipality is the village Klokkarstua. The municipality of Hurum was established on 1 January 1838 . The small village of Holmsbu was granted town status in 1847, but it did not become a municipality of its own...

, whose land and facilities were owned by ABN Property. The paper mill had previously been threatened with closure. Two weeks later, CG Holding penned a deal to buy the factory. The only remaining step was to negotiate the land rental with ABN Property. One week later, however, ABN had proposed an altered deal for land rental. CG Holding accused the new contract of being unreasonable. In the end, CG Holding did take over the factory, but decided to cease production the next year. With no particular plans for the production facilities, ABN announced that the factory would lie fallow for the time being.
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