Annual cicada
Annual cicadas are Cicadidae  species that appear every summer. The lifecycle of the so-called annual cicada typically spans 2 to 5 years; they are "annual" only in the sense that members of the species reappear annually. The name is used to distinguish them from periodical cicada species, which are developmentally synchronized and appear in great swarms every 13 or 17 years.

Species called "annual cicada" include members of the genus Tibicen
The Tibicen genus of cicadas are large-bodied Cicadidae appearing in late summer or autumn. Like other members of the subfamily Cicadinae, they have loud, complex songs, even distinct song phrases. Tibicen are the most common cicada in the United States...

 ("dog-day cicadas"), Diceroprocta, Neocicada, and Okanagana.
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