Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress
Perhaps the most accurate and current data on homelessness in the United States is reported annually by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in the Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress (AHAR). The AHAR report relies on data from two sources: single-night, point-in-time counts of both sheltered and unsheltered homeless populations reported on the Continuum of Care applications to HUD; and counts of the sheltered homeless population over a full year provided by a sample of communities based on data in their local Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS).
The 2008 AHAR also reports the following counts and household information of sheltered and unsheltered homeless persons nationwide on a single night in January 2008, based on the Point-In-Time data collected as part of the 2008 Continuum of Care Application:
Sample results from the 2008 AHAR
The fourth report to Congress, the 2008 AHAR, released in July 2009, reports the following household and demographic information for people that that accessed emergency shelters and transitional housing between October 2007 and September 2008, based on a sampling of HMIS data:Total Number
About 1.6 million people were homeless in emergency shelters or transitional housing at some point during the year between October 1, 2007 and September 30, 2008. The nation’s sheltered homeless population over a year’s time included approximately 1,092,600 individuals (68 percent) and 516,700 persons in families (32 percent). A family is a household that includes an adult 18 years of age or older and at least one child. All other sheltered homeless people are considered individuals.Race
- 37.9% are White, non-Hispanic/Latino
- 11.6% are White, Hispanic/Latino
- 41.7% are Black or African American
- 0.8% are Asian
- 1.9% are Native Indian or Alaska Native
- 0.7% are Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
- 5.4% are Several Races
- 2.2% are Under 1
- 8.1% are 1 to 5
- 6.8% are 6 to 12
- 3.7% are 13 to 17
- 22.2% are 18 to 30
- 40.3% are 31 to 50
- 14.0% are 51 to 61
- 2.8% are 62 and older
Household Size
- 66.7% are in a 1 person household
- 9.3% are in a household of 2 people
- 9.5% are in a household of 3 people
- 7.0% are in a household of 4 people
- 7.5% are in a household of 5 or more people
Living Situation Prior to Program Entry
- 12% were in a place not meant for human habitation
- 21.7% were in emergency shelter
- 2.7% were in transitional housing
- 0.3% were permanent supportive housing
- 1.5% were in a psychiatric facility
- 4% were in a substance abuse treatment center or detox facility
- 1.3% were in a hospital (nonpsychiatric)
- 4.8% were in a jail, prison, or juvenile detention
- 10.1% were in a rented housing unit
- 2.1% were in an owned housing unit
- 16.4% were staying with family
- 12.1% were staying with friends
- 3.3% were in a hotel or motel (no voucher)
- 0.4% were in a foster care home
- 6.7% were in another living arrangement
Stability of Previous Night’s Living Arrangement
- 20.6% stayed 1 week or less
- 15.4% stayed more than 1 week, but less than a month
- 21.6% stayed 1 to 3 months
- 16.0% stayed more than 3 months, but less than a year
- 26.4% stayed 1 year or longer
ZIP Code of Last Permanent Address
- 62.5% came from the same jurisdiction as program location
- 37.6% came from a different jurisdiction than program location
The 2008 AHAR also reports the following counts and household information of sheltered and unsheltered homeless persons nationwide on a single night in January 2008, based on the Point-In-Time data collected as part of the 2008 Continuum of Care Application:
Total Number
On a single night in January 2008, there were 664,414 sheltered and unsheltered homeless persons nationwide. Nearly 6 in 10 people who were homeless at a single point-in-time were in emergency shelters or transitional housing programs, while 42 percent were unsheltered on the “street” or in other places not meant for human habitation.Homeless Individuals
- 415,202 total individuals
- 49.3% are sheltered
- 50.7% are unsheltered
Homeless Persons in Families
- 249,212 total persons in families
- 72.8% are sheltered
- 27.2% are unsheltered
Chronically Homeless
- 124,135 total chronically homeless persons
- 37% are sheltered
- 63% are unsheltered
Other Sheltered Subpopulations
- 36.5% are chronic substance abusers
- 26.3% are severely mentally ill
- 15.1% are veterans
- 12.8% are victims of domestic violence
- 4.2% are persons with HIV/AIDS
- 2.1% are unaccompanied youth
Further reading
- Karash, Robert L., "Who is Homeless? The HUD Annual Report to Congress and Homelessness Pulse Project", Spare Change News, Boston, June 18, 2010
External links
- HUD, "5th Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress (2009)", June 2010.