Angika literature
Angika literature may be broadly divided in to three prominent period - Ancient, Pre-Independence and Modern. Hundreds of standard literary books are available in angika language.

Regions and dialects

Angika is the language of Anga Desh - the parts of Modern Bihar,Jharkhand, West Bengal and Tarai region of Nepal.


According to Rahul Sankrityayan
Rahul Sankrityayan
Mahapandit Rahul Sankrityayan , who is called the Father of Hindi Travel literature, was one of the most widely-traveled scholars of India, spending forty-five years of his life on travels away from his home. He became a buddhist monk and eventually took up Marxist Socialism...

, the evidences of oldest form of written literature is available in the Saraha
Saraha , Sarahapa , or Sarahapāda , originally known as Rāhula or Rāhulbhadra, was the first sahajiya and one of the Mahasiddhas, and is considered to be one of the founders of Buddhist Vajrayana, and particularly of the Mahamudra tradition. His dohas are compiled in Dohakośa, the 'Treasury of...

’s Angika poetry of 800 A.D.

Prominent Figures of Angika literature

Suman Soorow, Permanand Pandey, Vidyabhushan Venu, Amrendra, Naresh Pandey- 'Chakore', Kundan Amitabh, Abhaykant Choudhary, Ramchandra Choudhary are among prominent figures who have contributed lots in Angika Literature.
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