Anem - two fountains, a Levitical city in the tribe of Issachar
(1 Chr.6:73). It is also called En-gannim in Josh. 19:21; the modern Jenin
It "seems" to "Ein Ganim"/Jenin (KJV and RV "En-gannim") only because it appears in approximately the same position in the parallel list of Issachar areas in Joshua 19:21, 21:29. But others note that it is a distinct site, "Anim"; albeit near En-gannim. [e.g., Martino (Ed.). Atlas Biblicus. Paris (Suptibus P. Lethielleux, 1907). [Quote: "urbs tribus Issachar, fortasse eadem atque Engannim (Djenin) vel probabilius urbs distincta, vicus ‘Anim inter aquilonem et occidentum ab Engannim.]
Issachar/Yissachar was, according to the Book of Genesis, a son of Jacob and Leah , and the founder of the Israelite Tribe of Issachar; however some Biblical scholars view this as postdiction, an eponymous metaphor providing an aetiology of the connectedness of the tribe to others in the Israelite...
(1 Chr.6:73). It is also called En-gannim in Josh. 19:21; the modern Jenin
Jenin is the largest town in the Northern West Bank, and the third largest city overall. It serves as the administrative center of the Jenin Governorate and is a major agricultural center for the surrounding towns. In 2007, the city had a population of 120,004 not including the adjacent refugee...
It "seems" to "Ein Ganim"/Jenin (KJV and RV "En-gannim") only because it appears in approximately the same position in the parallel list of Issachar areas in Joshua 19:21, 21:29. But others note that it is a distinct site, "Anim"; albeit near En-gannim. [e.g., Martino (Ed.). Atlas Biblicus. Paris (Suptibus P. Lethielleux, 1907). [Quote: "urbs tribus Issachar, fortasse eadem atque Engannim (Djenin) vel probabilius urbs distincta, vicus ‘Anim inter aquilonem et occidentum ab Engannim.]