Andrzej Majewski
Andrzej Majewski, is a Polish aphorist, writer, columnist and photographer. He graduated from The Economics Academy of Wrocław. He is the author of "Aphorisms and Sentences Which Shake the World, or Not..." (1999) , "Aphorisms That are Magnum in Parvo" (2000) and "Aphorisms for Every Occasion" (2007) also photo album “Ephemeralness of Eternity” (2005).
Winner of the H. Steinhaus Aphorist Competition (1995) and awarded in the S.

Nie Kolumb pierwszy odkrył Amerykę, ale pierwszy ją opatentował.

Columbus was not the first one to discover America, only the first to patent it.

Współczesne cywilizacje są mocno skomputerroryzowane.

Modern civilization is highly computerrorized.

Nienawiść jest jak Hydra, im więcej głów ścinasz, tym bardziej ją wzmacniasz.

Hatred is like a Hydra - the more heads one chops off, the stronger it grows.

Niewolnik marzy o wolności, człowiek wolny o bogactwie, bogacz o władzy, a władca o wolności.

A slave dreams of freedom, a free man dreams of wealth, the wealthy dream of power, and the powerful dream of freedom.

The tragedy of a thoughtless man is not that he doesn't think, but that he thinks that he's thinking.

Never curse an illness; better ask for health.

Man invented the car to comfortably sit in jams.

Women are beautiful in the light of the day, but are even more so in the shadows of the night.

Man invented clothing to cover the superficial and to discover the inside.

The first true love is always the last one.
