Andrejs Upits
Andrejs Upīts was a Latvian teacher, poet
A poet is a person who writes poetry. A poet's work can be literal, meaning that his work is derived from a specific event, or metaphorical, meaning that his work can take on many meanings and forms. Poets have existed since antiquity, in nearly all languages, and have produced works that vary...

, short story writer and Communist polemicist.

Literary activity

Andrejs Upīts, while writing for the newspaper "Mājas viesis" under the pseudonym Andrei Araji in 1892, published his first articles, Parunas, Skrīveros uzrakstītas (~Recorded Proverbs of Skrīveri
Skrīveri Parish
Skrīveri parish is an administrative unit of Skrīveri municipality, Vidzeme, Latvia.- Towns, villages and settlements of Skrīveri parish :*Klidziņa*Līči*Skrīveri*Ziedugravas- Notable people :* Andrejs Upīts* Jorģis Zemitāns...

) (No. 15) and Kā mūsu senči agrāk Vidzemē dzīvojuši (~How our ancestors once lived in Vidzeme) (No. 20). Upīts wrote novels, stories, drama, tragedy, comedy, poetry, satire, journalism, and literary criticism. His children's novel, Sūnu ciema zēni (~The Boys of Moss Village), is included in the compulsory reading list of schools. He was one of the more multifaceted Latvian writers. Upīts' heroes possess striking character and he used a rich language.

His 1945 novel Zaļā zeme (~The Green Land) received the USSR
Soviet Union
The Soviet Union , officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics , was a constitutionally socialist state that existed in Eurasia between 1922 and 1991....

 State Prize in 1946. His Sociālistiskā reālisma jautājumi literatūrā (~Problems of Socialist Realism in Literature) won the Latvian SSR State Prize in 1957.

His works were banned twice — the first time after Kārlis Ulmanis
Karlis Ulmanis
Kārlis Augusts Vilhelms Ulmanis was a prominent Latvian politician in pre-World War II Latvia during the Latvian period of independence from 1918 to 1940.- Education and early career :Ulmanis studied agriculture at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich and...

' coup of 1934, and the second during the years of the Soviet regime, when his performance of his play, Ziedošais tuksnesis (~The Blooming Desert) was prohibited at the Dailes theatre and censors prohibited distribution of his book, Literatūras vēsture (~The History of Literature).


  • Jauni avoti (1909)
  • Sieviete (1910)
  • Zīda tīklā (1912)
  • Pēdējais latvietis (1913)
  • Zelts (1914)
  • Renegāti (1915)
  • Ziemeļa vējš (1921)
  • Perkona pievārtē (1922)
  • Pa varavīksnes tiltu (1926)
  • Zem naglota papēža (1928)
  • Jāņa Robežnieka nāve (1932)
  • Vecās ēnas (1934)
  • Zaļā zeme (1945)
  • Plaisa mākoņos (1951)


  • Dzimumdienas rītā (1905)
  • Balss un atbalss / triloģija (1911)
  • Žanna d'Arka (1930)
  • Spartaks (1943)
  • Ziņģu Ješkas uzvara (1933)
  • Apburtais loks (1929)
  • Mirabo (1926)
  • Kaijas lidojums (1925)
  • Peldētāja Zuzanna (1922)


  • Jauni avoti (1909)
  • Sieviete (1910)
  • Zīda tīklā (1912)
  • Pēdējais latvietis (1913)
  • Ziemeļa vējš (1921)
  • Zelts (1921)
  • Pērkona pievārtē (1922)
  • Renegāti (1922)
  • Pa varavīksnes tiltu (1926)
  • Zem naglota papēža (1928)
  • Jāņa Robežnieka pārnākšana (1932)
  • Jāņa Robežnieka nāve (1933, Vecas ēnas (1934)
  • Smaidoša lapa (1937)
  • Laikmetu griežos (1937 1940)
  • Māsas Ģertrūdes noslēpums (1939)
  • Zaļā zeme (1945)
  • Plaisa mākoņos (1951)

Short stories

  • Mazas komēdijas (1-2) (1909 1910)
  • Nemiers (1912)
  • Vēju kauja (1920)
  • Aiz paradīzes vārtiem (1922)
  • Kailā dzīvība (1926)
  • Stāsti par mācītājiem (1930)
  • Sūnu ciema zēni / garstāsts jaunatnei (1940)
  • Noveles (1943)

Partial bibliography

  • McCall's
    McCall's was a monthly American women's magazine that enjoyed great popularity through much of the 20th century, peaking at a readership of 8.4 million in the early 1960s. It was established as a small-format magazine called The Queen in 1873...

    : August 1964; Vol. XCI, No. 11 (featuring The Young Crane by Andrejs Upīts and Illustrated by Maurice Sendak
    Maurice Sendak
    Maurice Bernard Sendak is an American writer and illustrator of children's literature. He is best known for his book Where the Wild Things Are, published in 1963.-Early life:...

  • Outside Paradise and Other Stories (1970)
  • Cause and effect (Soviet short stories) (1977)
  • Selected stories (1978)
  • Problems of Socialist Realism in Literature
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