Andrei Sangheli Cabinet
Guvernul Sangheli - 1
Government investment
Parliament Decision nr.1130-XII from 04.08.92 on the confirmation of the composition of the Government, nr.8/215 Monitor of 08/30/1992Government dismissal
Parliament Decision No.15-XIII of 3.31.94 on the filing of powers by the Government Monitor nr.4/89 of 04/30/1994Deputy Prime Minister
- COŞCODAN MihaiMihai Coşcodan- Biography :Mihai Coșcodan . He was a member of the first Parliament of the Republic of Moldova 1990-1994 , the Government, in diplomatic mission....
- CUNEV Valentin
- OLEINIC Nicolai
Ministries / Departments | Government members | |
Ministry of Interior (Ministerul Afacerilor Interne) | ANTOCI Constantin, minister | |
Ministry of Justice (Ministerul Justiţiei) | BARBANEAGRA Alexei Alexei Barbăneagră Alexei Barbăneagră is a Moldovan politician. He was the Justice Minister in Mircea Druc Cabinet.-References:... , minister |
Ministry of National Security (Ministerul Securităţii Naţionale) | CALMOI Vasile, minister | Ministry established by Law nr.1091-XII of 23.07.92 amending and supplementing the Law on the Government of the Republic Monitor nr.7/150 of 30/07/1992 |
State Department for Gasification (Departamentul de Stat pentru Gazificare) | CARANDIUC Boris, director general | |
Ministry of Information Science, Information and Telecommunications (Ministerul Informaticii, Informaţiei şi Telecomunicaţiilor) | CASIAN Ion Ion Casian - Biography :Ion Casian is a member of the Commission for the Study of the Communist Dictatorship in Moldova.- External links :* *** http://www.privesc.eu/?p=1884 - The first press conference of the Commission, Moldpress, January 18, 2010. Video.... , minister |
Ministry of Architecture and Construction (Ministerul Arhitecturii şi Construcţiilor) | CEBOTARI Valeriu, minister | Name amended by Law nr.1091-XII of 23.07.92 amending and supplementing the Law on the Government of the Republic Monitor nr.7/150 of 30/07/1992 |
Ministry of Economy (Ministerul Economiei) | CERTAN Sergiu, minister | Name amended by Law nr.1091-XII of 23.07.92 amending and supplementing the Law on the Government of the Republic Monitor nr.7/150 of 30/07/1992 |
Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations (Ministerul Relaţiilor Economice Externe) | CHEPTINE Andrei, minister | Ministry established by Law nr.1091-XII of 23.07.92 amending and supplementing the Law on the Government of the Republic Monitor nr.7/150 of 30/07/1992 |
State Department for Standards, Metrology and Technical Surveillance (Departamentul de Stat pentru Standarde, Metrologie şi Supraveghere Tehnică) | CIMPOIEŞ Dmitri, director general | |
Ministry of Defence (Ministerul Apărării) | CREANGĂ Pavel, minister | Ministry established by Law nr.1091-XII of 23.07.92 amending and supplementing the Law on the Government of the Republic Monitor nr.7/150 of 30/07/1992 |
State Department of Languages (Departamentul de Stat al Limbilor) | DUMENIUC Ion Ion Dumeniuc Ion Dumeniuc was a scientist, editor, and politician from the Republic of Moldova. He was the founder of the Limba Română magazine.-Biography:... , director general |
Ministry of Health (Ministerul Sănătăţii) | GHIDIRIM Gheorghe Gheorghe Ghidirim Gheorghe Ghidirim is a physician from Moldova and a former Health Minister of Moldova in Mircea Druc Cabinet.He is a member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, university professor and Head of “Nicolae Anestiadi” Surgery Chair Nicolae Testemiţanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy... , minister |
Ministry of Agriculture and Food (Ministerul Agriculturii şi Alimentaţiei) | GORINCIOI Vitalie, minister | |
State Department for Customs Control (Departamentul de Stat pentru Controlul Vamal) | HIOARĂ Gheorghe, director general | |
Department of State for Energy Resources (Departamentul de Stat pentru Resursele Energetice) | ICONICOV Valeri, director general | |
Ministry of Science and Education (Ministerul Ştiinţei şi Învăţămîntului) | MĂTCAŞ Nicolae, minister | |
Ministry of Finance (Ministerul Finanţelor) | MELNIC Clavdia, minister | |
Ministry of Labour and Social Protection (Ministerul Muncii şi Protecţiei Sociale) | NIDELCU Dumitru, minister | |
Ministry of Youth, Sport and Tourism (Ministerul Tineretului, Sportului şi Turismului) | SANDULACHI Petru Petru Sandulachi - External links :* * * -References:... , minister |
Ministry established by Law nr.1091-XII of 23.07.92 amending and supplementing the Law on the Government of the Republic Monitor nr.7/150 of 30/07/1992 |
Department of State Publishing, Printing and Trade Books (Departamentul de Stat pentru Edituri, Poligrafie şi Comerţul cu Cărţi) | SCOBIOALĂ Aurel, director general | |
Ministry of Public Services and Housing Exploitation Fund (Ministerul Serviciilor Comunale şi Exploatării Fondului de Locuinţe) | SEVEROVAN Mihail, minister | Ministry established by Law nr.1091-XII of 23.07.92 amending and supplementing the Law on the Government of the Republic Monitor nr.7/150 of 30/07/1992 |
Ministry of Trade and Material Resources (Ministerul Comerţului şi Resurselor Materiale) | SLĂNINĂ Tudor, minister | Ministry established by Law nr.1091-XII of 23.07.92 amending and supplementing the Law on the Government of the Republic Monitor nr.7/150 of 30/07/1992 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Ministerul Afacerilor Externe) | ŢÎU Nicolae, minister | |
Ministry of Culture and Cults (Ministerul Culturii şi Cultelor) | UNGUREANU Ion Ion Ungureanu - Biography :He served as member of the Parliament of Moldova and is a leader of the Democratic Forum of Romanians in Moldova.- External links :* * *... , minister |