Andabil one of the villages of East Azarbaijan province is located in the village Chelle-hkhanh Shabestar city of Sufyan.
Total area of land owned in this village about 60 km x 10 km and 6 km. Andbyl position due to the mountainous and summer, there are mineral water, proper positioning of tourism, sanitation, paved roads, lots of water, agriculture, Nzdykbvdn to capital and benefit from facilities such as gas, electricity, landline and mobile phones has led to some Tabriz residents to build a villa in mass volume, and village to village Andabil be converted villa and tourism.
Andabilsummer village at 9 km and 40 km North-East North-West of Tabriz has been Sufis. The rural villages of north Alnjq, Zrghan and Nvjhdh, extortionist and villages of the East to Gross, the West Village to the south of the city Qrhaghaj and Sufis is limited. Andabil temperate climate in summer and cold in winter. The village has a long history of settlement and now a population of about 300 families and 1,000 people has its place. Andbyl village at longitude 38 degrees and 21 minutes and 30 seconds north latitude and 45 degrees and 59 minutes and 30 seconds East located at an altitude of 1660 meters above sea level is;Total area of land owned in this village about 60 km x 10 km and 6 km. Andbyl position due to the mountainous and summer, there are mineral water, proper positioning of tourism, sanitation, paved roads, lots of water, agriculture, Nzdykbvdn to capital and benefit from facilities such as gas, electricity, landline and mobile phones has led to some Tabriz residents to build a villa in mass volume, and village to village Andabil be converted villa and tourism.