American National Business Hall of Fame
The American National Business Hall of Fame (ANBHF), established in 1972, as the result of an idea by Willard F. Rockwell, Jr. (former chairman and CEO of Rockwell International) and Alan Hilburg (assisting W.F. Rockwell as a representative of Junior Achievement). Rockwell and Hilburg approached Pat Lenahan (publisher of Fortune magazine) and Charles Whittingham (associate publisher) with the idea. Together they engaged the Board of Editors of Fortune Magazine to independently select the honorees. The originating idea was to align the principles of Junior Achievement with the lives of the inductees to promotes examples of what it considers exemplary business leadership. It is managed by an executive office, and has representatives from universities throughout the United States
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

. Its laureate program inducts American businessmen into the ANBHF, based on a combination of exceptional leadership and business ethics.

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