America's Next Top Model, Cycle 16
America's Next Top Model, Cycle 16 is the sixteenth cycle of America's Next Top Model
and the tenth season to be aired on The CW network
. It premiered on February 23, 2011.
The winner will receive a $100,000 contract with CoverGirl Cosmetics, a contract with IMG Models
, the cover of Beauty In Vogue and fashion spreads in Vogue Italia
and Beauty In Vogue.
All three permanent judges from the previous cycle – Vogue
editor-at-large André Leon Talley
, photographer Nigel Barker and Tyra Banks
herself – remain.
The international destination for this cycle is Morocco
, making this the second time the show has travelled to Africa
, the first being in Cycle 4
, where the show visited Cape Town, South Africa.
The winner was 19-years old Brittani Kline
from Beech Creek, Pennsylvania
At the house, Nicole pondered about how she could improve her performance in the competition after she was told she photographed old at panel, while Ondrei revealed that less than a year previous to coming to the show, two of her brothers were murdered. Tyra visited the house, and introduced the girls to her nutritionist Heather Bauer, who taught the girls about “cheaties” – healthy but tasty alternatives to a top model's diet. Later, Monique and Dalya discovered a plate of rotting chicken in the fridge, and conflict broke out between Dalya and Alexandria, who thought that Dalya was patronizing her.
Later, the girls were taken to Colony Theatre in Burbank
where Nigel introduced them to acting coach Eugene Buica. The girls were asked to draw a picture of their inner critic, and then confront them, with Eugene acting as the critic. Ondrei broke down, upset about her brothers, while Molly revealed that she was adopted. After the teach was over, each of the girls were given earrings as a reward for doing well in such an emotional teach.
Next, the girls were taken to their photo-shoot, where they would be modeling jewelry while surrounded by bees. Monique impressed Jay with her strong poses and facial expressions. Hannah was reduced to tears during the shoot, feeling under pressure to perform well, while Jaclyn worried about her bee sting allergy. After the shoot, Ondrei contemplated leaving the competition, stating that she wanted to compete, but that her traumatic past continued to haunt her.
At panel, Ondrei told the judges that she wanted to leave. The judges were supportive, and Ondrei left the competition. Tyra informed the remaining girls that if Ondrei’s photo was deemed the weakest, there would be no elimination for the week. If not, there would still be an elimination. As judging continued, Hannah received high acclaim for her emotional-stunning photo. Monique and Mikaela also both received praise for their unique beauty that translated to their photos. Alexandria, Dominique and Sara all produced stunning shots but were warned about poor quality films overall, while Kasia's choice of dress was criticized.
Hannah received first call-out for producing a stellar, high-fashion photo. In the end, Dalya and Nicole were called forward as the bottom two, Dalya for producing a largely unusable film, despite a decent picture, and Nicole for once again photographing much older than she looked in person. Tyra revealed that Ondrei’s photo had not been deemed the worst in the group, and that one of the bottom two would be leaving. Dalya was saved, and Nicole became the third girl to leave the competition.
The girls returned from panel to find a drape with descriptions of their makeovers, but not to which girl each style corresponded, causing panic from some, and excitement from others. The girls were taken to the Privé salon in Los Angeles, and although most of the girls were satisfied with their new looks, Sara was disappointed not to get a weave and Alexandria expressed her concerns about how she thought her stylist should be fixing her hair, though she was ultimately happy with the overall result. An independent stylist was brought in specifically for Molly’s advanced weave, but the style was universally panned, and Molly angrily expressed her disdain at her new look.
The girls were next taken to a farm for their photo shoot, and learned they would be shooting in groups this week. They then met their photographer Pamela Hanson and stylist Lori Goldstein, who dressed the girls in couture gowns. Alexandria was unhappy before her shoot with Monique after discovering a pimple, and was criticized for her unacceptable attitude by Pamela and Lori. Sara and Mikaela were pleased to be shooting together, but struggled to pull off a good shot as a pair. In the only group with three girls, Jaclyn and Dalya worked well together, but Dominique struggled to gain inspiration, and Jay noted that she had essentially become a spare part in the shoot.
At panel, most of the girls received positive feedback from their shoots. Alexandria stunning shot earned her the first call, but Tyra warned her that bad attitude would not be tolerated in the future. Molly was promised that her weave would be redone, much to her relief. Brittani & Hannah also impressed the judges. But, Dominique's nerves and Sara's lack of self-confidence landed them in the bottom two, but Sara was deemed to have more potential, and Dominique was sent packing.
Following her appearance in the bottom two at the previous panel, Alexandria rued how she was being perceived by the judges, but the other girls all felt that the judges had her personality down correctly, and joked that they should let her fall on her own sword, and talk her way out of the competition. Despite having it redone, Molly was still unhappy with her hair weave, and revealed how it had made her scalp swell.
The girls were taken to a Cover Girl challenge, where the girls were put into teams to shoot promotional videos for Cover Girl foundation. The girls were sorted in teams of three, with each member taking on a different role in the team - director, script writer, or star. Alexandria frustrated her teammates by trying to control of all roles, but Monique was praised for managing to do well in spite of Alexandria's interference. In the end, the group of Brittani, Kasia and Mikaela won the challenge, and the opportunity for their video to be shown on the Cover Girl website. Back at the house, Alexandria tearfully called her boyfriend, feeling misunderstood in the house, but while she did so, the other girls gossiped about her, and Monique decided to read her diary, to find out how she really felt about the other girls.
For their next photo shoot, the girls were taken to the old L.A Zoo, where they were to pose for Rachel Zoe's faux fur collection, and learned that they would be shooting with Murato, a baby jaguar. Kasia experienced the most difficulty posing with the jaguar due to her being allergic to animals, whilst Dalya was accused of only doing basic poses. Molly was unhappy about being the penultimate girl to shoot, as she felt that the jaguar had grown increasingly frustrated as the day has gone on, giving the girls who shot first an advantage.
At panel, Brittani, Jaclyn and Monique all received positive feedback, but Hannah received top praise for her stellar photograph, and received first call-out. Dalya received the worst feedback, as the judges felt that she was doubting herself, and it was getting in the way of her performance, and she landed in the bottom two alongside Molly, for letting hair trouble distract her. Eventually Molly was saved, and was told that her weave would now be removed altogether.
The girls returned from panel to be greeted by Tyra who wanted to teach the girls about model archetypes, and how to handle the fame that might come to the girls if they make it as successful models. During the lesson, Molly again became emotional about her weave, but Tyra told her that she needed to tough it out and stop complaining, and later, it was finally taken out for good, much to Molly’s delight.
The girls were next taken to their next challenge, where J. Alexander told them that they would spend the afternoon meeting fans of the show. Monique quickly became fed up of talking to the fans, and when one asked her for a kiss, she instead directed him to Alexandria, who reluctantly kissed him on the cheek. Kasia won the challenge for being engaging with her fans, while still keeping the conversation mostly about modeling, and she choose Brittani and Jaclyn to join her in having dinner with Miss. J. The other girls were left to clean up the mess left by the fans, much to Monique’s disdain, causing some of the other girls to label her as high maintenance.
Next, the girls met Jonathan Mannion, their photographer for the week, and learned that they would be posing covered in mud. The girls were being shot in groups of four – the four blond girls in one group, and the four brunettes in the other. Jonathan was delighted with Brittani’s work on set, and even took a shot of her alone, ignoring the other three girls in her group. In between frames in the blond shoot, Alexandria moved Kasia’s arm after Jay specifically told her how to position it, and she worried that Jay would relay this back to Tyra, after he took it as her trying to once again to dictate the shoot.
At panel, the both shots received mixed responses from the judges, with Brittani and Kasia being told they were the standouts in their respective groups. Though Mikaela was praised for producing a somewhat stellar performance, Tyra chastised her that she had better shots, but she has to choose a picture where everybody looks strong altogether, thus the group photo shown on panel did not give justice to the overall strong film. Alexandria produced her first poor film, and her choice of outfit was harshly criticized by Andre. While the judges already deemed that the brunettes' photo was stronger, Monique and Mikaela landed at the bottom two, for coasting and inconsistency respectively. In the end, Mikaela was spared, with a warning to improve her eye expressions, and Monique, whom the judges deemed as a middle-runner, was eliminated.
After returning from panel, the girls found bags underneath Brittani’s digital portrait, filled with materials related to their upcoming challenge – a photo shoot for “Warriors in Pink”, a cause against breast cancer. The concept immediately inspired many of the girls, including Brittani and Molly, who both had lost friends and loved ones to breast cancer. Mikaela admitted her confusion about how she was unable to get strong shots due to her extensive modeling experience, but vowed to improve at the next shoot. Alexandria continued to be unpopular amongst the girls, and mostly everyone agreed that she should have been the one to go home at the previous panel. The girls met Nigel at the shoot, and learned he would be their photographer for the day. Each girl would be representing a warrior and would have to do their own hair and makeup.
Before the shoot, Mikaela broke down in tears, but resolved to do a good job regardless. During their shoot, Nigel asked Brittani what she thought about whilst posing, and reacted negatively to her response of “I don’t think, I just do,” feeling that Brittani wasn’t passionate enough about modeling. Hannah was criticized for being unmemorable during the shoot. Alexandria on the other hand impressed Nigel, and ultimately won the prize – the chance to shoot a national campaign for “Warriors in Pink”, as well as a new 2012 Ford Focus. Backstage following the result, the other girls, led by Brittani, angrily bemoaned the choice of Alexandria winning, feeling that she was undeserving, and when Alexandria calmly told them she could hear what they were saying, Brittani exploded in anger, and told her that none of the girls liked her, and that they felt she should have gone home instead of Monique at last panel, shocking Nigel, who had also overheard everything. Back at the house, the models pondered how to best deal with Alexandria, and when she returned from her campaign shoot, they gave her the silent treatment, though in a confessional, a confused Alexandria claimed that this only further pushed her on to do well.
Next, Miss J. crept into the model’s home in the early hours, and whisked them away for a tour of Universal Studios, where they would be shooting for this week’s photo. Each girl had to portray women who are addicted to certain fashion items, shot by Miguel Starcevich.
Mikaela struggled get into character, being overwhelmed by the piles of shopping bags around her. Jaclyn impressed Jay the most, embodying her assignment to the fullest extent.
At panel, Jaclyn received amazing critique for her “crazy for makeup” shoot, while Molly and Kasia also received good feedback. Hannah was commended for pulling out an excellent “crazy for handbags” shot, but Tyra warned her that her overall film was poor. Mikaela again struggled with inconsistency in her film, and she admitted she was never totally sure about the concept of the shot. During Alexandria’s critique with the judges, Nigel called Brittani out over her outburst at the challenge, and deemed her unprofessional for airing her personal opinions in the workplace. Although Brittani attempted to defend her actions, Tyra agreed with Nigel, leading to Brittani fleeing out of panel, and breaking down backstage. Soon after, Brittani chose to return to get her critique in the middle of a panic attack, and attempted to apologize to the judges for her actions. Her picture was generally well received by the judges, but her professionalism was called into question, with Tyra feeling that her outburst had made her appear unattractive to the judges.
During deliberation, Tyra recalled the elimination of Toccara Jones
in Cycle 3
, and how she had been outnumbered by the other judges that day. Tyra said that Brittani was her choice to be eliminated, but again found herself in the minority, with the other three judges feeling that Brittani would learn from her experience, something which Tyra was unsure of. Backstage, Alexandria confronted the other girls, and after asking them why they disliked her so much, Brittani stormed out once again.
After the fight, Jaclyn received a first call-out for her excellent picture, while Molly, Hannah, Kasia, and Alexandria all safely progressed to the next round. Tyra praised Alexandria for the way she handled herself throughout the difficult panel and that she would have been called much sooner had she had more feeling in her eyes. Mikaela and Brittani were called forward as the bottom two, Mikaela for her declining performance, and Brittani for being unprofessional. Ultimately, Tyra halfheartedly handed the final photo to Brittani, stating that if had not been outvoted, she would have given the last photo to Mikaela.
Following her narrow escape at the previous panel, Brittani apologized to Alexandria for her outbursts against her on the way home, and though most agreed that Alexandria’s attitude had improved, Molly theorized that nothing had changed, and that Alexandria was just acting nice, and the other girls were foolish to believe her supposed act. Tyra helped the girls put together portfolios for their impending go-sees, and after giving each girl their portfolio, informed them that each contained a letter of the name of this cycle’s overseas destination. After a scramble, the girls learned that they would be going to Morocco, but Tyra surprised them by revealing that this cycle, only five girls would be going overseas, and that the girls performance at go-sees would play a major part in the judge’s deliberations at panel.
At the house, the girls met Kyle Hagler from IMG Models, who gave them their brief for the go-sees. Each girl had four hours to visit four different castings, each representing a different archetype of modeling – Athletic, Bombshell, Couture and Girl Next Door, before returning to Lana Marks for one final go-see. Each girl was given a driver for the challenge, but was told that they had to direct the drivers to the go-sees. Alexandria found this to be an advantage, as she was the only girl who had a pre-existing knowledge of L.A, claiming she knew it like the back of her hand. All of the girls made it back to Lana Marks in time, including Alexandria who arrived with only 30 seconds to spare, and Kyle informed the girls that only the three who performed the best throughout the day would move onto a go-see with Lana, for the chance to appear in a global campaign, as well as a gift bag from the designers. Alexandria, Kasia and Molly moved onto the top three, and after a go-see with Lana, Alexandria was named as the challenge winner and she also received the immunity at panel. At the house, Brittani felt resigned to going home, feeling that her failure to progress past the first round at go-sees, on top of her performance at the previous panel would eliminate her.
Next, the girls were taken to the Olinda Landfill
in Orange County
, where they would be taking part in their next photoshoot with Nigel. The girls would be wearing couture dresses designed specifically by Michael Cinco for each girl.
Before their shoot, Nigel reassured Brittani that she was still in the competition because the judges felt her worth keeping, but warned her that it was pivotal she got a good shot. In spite of their surroundings, most of the girls impressed Nigel and Jay, but Molly’s complaining detracted from her strong performance.
At the panel, Alexandria swept the board, with the judges loving her stunning high fashion shot, and booking all four of her go-see appointments. Molly had a strong picture, but was warned that the designers were all put off by her personality whilst she was waiting to see the casting agents, and was told she would have won the challenge if her personality was better. Before receiving her picture, Brittani apologized to Tyra for her actions at the previous panel, and Tyra accepted, though her, and Jaclyn’s failure to make no more than two go-sees was strongly criticized by the judges. Hannah had a strong performance in all aspects of the week, but the judges were concerned that she was too fragile for the industry.
Alexandria’s strong performance earned her first call out for the week, while Hannah, Kasia and Brittani all joined her on the plane to Morocco, leaving Jaclyn and Molly as the bottom two – Jaclyn for only making two go-sees, and Molly for her questionable attitude and passion for modeling. In the end, Molly was deemed to have more potential, eliminating Jaclyn despite having a stellar portfolio.
The final five girls arrived in Marrakech, Morocco, the location for the rest of the Cycle, and met the Jay’s who informed them that they would be given the day off to see Morocco, and each of the girls reflected on their position in the competition. Alexandria was pleased that her fortunes appeared to be changing, while Molly worried that the judges would lose faith in her.
Later, the girls met with Andre, who asked the girls to show him their walks in elaborate couture outfits designed by Noureddine Amir, and while most of the girls did well, Kasia was upset to find that none of the dresses at the studio fitted her plus sized frame, but did a good job of hiding her hurt feelings from Andre. The girls were then taken to a rooftop, where they again met Andre for a chat, before being surprised to learn that they were actually on the roof of their new luxury Marrakech apartment. Molly however was unhappy when she learned that she would have to share a bed with Brittani and Kasia.
The girl’s first overseas photoshoot took them to the Marrakech desert, where they had to pose on the back of camels for photographer Michael Woolley. Molly attempted to improve her image around set, and impressed Jay with a strong performance, but Kasia struggled at the shoot, and admitted that she was feeling uncomfortable with her body. Alexandria was initially excited for the shoot, but her continuing control issues annoyed Michael, and she struggled to perform well.
At panel, the girls were introduced to Franca Sozzani, editor-in-chief of Vogue Italia, who was the guest judge for the week. Molly, Brittani and Hannah were all praised for strong shots, with Hannah finally being told that she stood out, with her shoot being completely different from the other girls. Alexandria received mixed comments on her shot, and was warned of the dangers of upsetting the photographer, while Kasia was criticized for lacking energy in her shot, and for letting her body issues get in the way of her performance.
Eventually, Molly received the first call out for her excellent shot, followed by Brittani and Hannah. Alexandria and Kasia were called forward as the bottom two, Alexandria for not performing as well as some of the other girls, and for her demeanor at set, and Kasia for being inconsistent from week-to-week, and lacking confidence. Ultimately, Kasia was eliminated and Alexandria was spared.
The day after returning from panel, Miss J. arrived at the top model apartment, and escorted the girls to an informal meeting with Franca Sozzani, the editor-in-chief of Vogue Italia, giving them the chance to ask her questions, and show her their portfolios. After Franca left, J. next introduced the girls to Noor Talbi, a professional tea-tray dancer, who after teaching the girls the art of balancing trays on their heads, informed them that they would have to demonstrate what they had learned in front of a live audience later that night.
At the challenge, J. informed the girls of a further twist – they would have to balance lit candles on their trays, as well as dance with a professional group of tea-tray dancers. Molly struggled, tripping on her skirt almost immediately, and making little effort to recover, but Brittani excelled and managed to keep her tray balanced for her whole routine. Alexandria initially performed well, but dropped her tray completely in her final move. Eventually, Alexandria was the runner-up, Brittani was named as the challenge winner, giving her the opportunity to have a personal runway lesson from J, along with Hannah, whom she chose to share the reward with.
Later, the girls were wandering through Marrakech, and discovered a stall with unusual delicacies, including eyeballs and goat’s brain, which each of the girls sampled. Later, Brittani regretted her decision at the restaurant, having fallen ill since eating there.
At the photo shoot, Jay told the girls that their shoot would be a continuation of the story behind their last shoot, and introduced them to their photographer for the week, Friedemann Hauss. Hannah struggled to successfully portray her story, while Molly and Brittani once again excelled. Alexandria was excited for the shoot, but became frustrated when Jay warned her not to be something different than a pretty girl, and consequently her performance suffered.
At panel, Alexandria received a mixed response for her photo, with the judges deeming it not high fashion, something which they also said of Brittani, though they still liked her picture. Hannah also had a decent picture, but the judges again worried that she was not a standout. Molly impressed them the most with her high fashion shot, and she earned the first call-out. Hannah and Alexandria were named as the bottom two, both for control issues – Alexandria for being too controlling in her face at her shoots, and Hannah for lacking the control to be consistent. Ultimately, Hannah was given a reprieve while Alexandria was eliminated from the competition.
Following panel, the girls all reflected on their chances at winning the competition, and identified Molly as the frontrunner. Jay arrived at the house, and showed the girls a video message from Lara Spencer
of The Insider
, who informed them of this week's challenge–-each girl would have to research one of three fashion and beauty methods common in Marrakesh, and then shoot an informative 90-second video report about their selected topic. Brittani was criticized for not utilizing her expert fully and running from inside to the outer market while the camera followed her, causing her to run over her allotted time. Hannah impressed with her video but likewise went over the allotted time. Molly was commended for finishing her report within the 90 seconds, although she was reminded to maximize her time. Ultimately, Molly won the challenge.
Next, Tyra visited the girls to check how they were coping in the competition. Molly became emotional while talking about missing her family, and how poorly she had treated them in the past, and resolved to make them proud, while Hannah reflected on how she had grown as a person in the competition. Brittani revealed that she had been bullied as a child because of her mom's anxiety issues, but Tyra encouraged them to keep trying to prove their doubters wrong. After the chat, Tyra held an impromptu photo shoot with the girls, and helped them to isolate parts of their bodies without moving other parts.
The girls then arrived for the week’s photo shoot, where they would be posing on the beach with a male model in traditional Moroccan wedding gowns. Molly was concerned about posing with a male model for the first time, and struggled as a result, but Hannah impressed Nigel with the conflicted narrative she came up with for her shoot. Brittani again felt uncomfortable with the idea of acting sexy, and began to cry mid-shoot after being accused of being overconfident by Jay.
At panel, Tyra informed the girls that she was so impressed with their performances at the wedding gown shoot, that she had selected two pictures from each girl’s film instead of one. Contrary to her expectations, Molly produced two beautiful shots, though Nigel admitted he didn’t enjoy shooting her, while Hannah produced some of her best pictures in the competition so far. Brittani excelled once again, and was commended for excellent posing, though Nigel scolded her for crying during the shoot.
Ultimately, Molly gained a first call-out, and progressed to the final two. Brittani and Hannah were left as the bottom two, where Hannah was chastised for her fragility and questionable inner strength, while Brittani was told that the judges felt her performance had declined as the competition moved to Morocco. In the end, Brittani was saved, and Hannah surprisingly leaves the competition.
Brittani and Molly faced Jay Manuel for their CoverGirl commercial and print ad. To help them perfect their lines, the girls were given a teleprompter and to add challenge, they will be shot in three simultaneous angles. Molly found herself struggling because she feels that the girl-next-door image is not her personality, while Brittani is experiencing panic attacks, though both girls managed to pull through.
Next, the final two then met stylist Valentina Serra and top fashion photographer Pierpaolo Ferrari for their Vogue Italia cover shoots. Brittani was praised for her professionalism at the shoot, while Molly was castigated for lack of commitment. That night, Molly was surprised to see her foster parents, while Brittani's mother was not able to come due to medical reasons, but as she was allowed to talk with her mother via Skype
The girls are joined by Cycle 15
winner Ann Ward
, as well as previously eliminated girls Kasia, Alexandria and Hannah for the Vivienne Westwood
fashion show. Though both girls excelled throughout the whole show, Brittani accidentally went out of character by laughing while doing a semi-erotic pose with Molly. Brittani stumbled at the penultimate part of the show, injuring herself, though she decided to perform in the final walk anyway. After the show, Ivan Bart surprised the girls by announcing that they will have a second set of makeovers before facing the judges, much to the girls' surprise. Some of the girls, hair was cut short.
Jay Manuel
reveals himself as their guest judge for the final panel, Brittani was hailed for doing well in the CoverGirl commercial, while Molly was accused for looking mean. For their fashion show, both were hailed for their strong performances. Though Nigel and Tyra castigated Brittani for her laughing incident, they commended her for pushing through her injury. One of the judges thought Molly's walk was a bit bouncy and cheap while Brittani's was like in an urban rush. During deliberations, the judges were torn because both girls displayed equally strong bodies of work. Their portfolios were neck and neck, with Brittani's was slightly higher. They consider Brittani romantic, while Molly is hard.
The girls were called back, and Brittani was revealed to be the winner of the sixteenth cycle of America's Next Top Model
America's Next Top Model
America's Next Top Model is a reality television show in which a number of women compete for the title of America's Next Top Model and a chance to start their career in the modeling industry....
and the tenth season to be aired on The CW network
The CW Television Network
The CW Television Network is a television network in the United States launched at the beginning of the 2006–2007 television season. It is a joint venture between CBS Corporation, the former owners of United Paramount Network , and Time Warner's Warner Bros., former majority owner of The WB...
. It premiered on February 23, 2011.
The winner will receive a $100,000 contract with CoverGirl Cosmetics, a contract with IMG Models
IMG Models
IMG Models is one of the major international modeling agencies, currently representing only female models. Its mother office is in New York City, with branches in Paris, London, Milan and Hong Kong. It is a division of New York, NY-based IMG...
, the cover of Beauty In Vogue and fashion spreads in Vogue Italia
Vogue Italia
Vogue Italia is the Italian edition of Vogue magazine. Owned by Condé Nast International, it is the least commercial of all editions of Vogue magazine and has been called the top fashion magazine in the world....
and Beauty In Vogue.
All three permanent judges from the previous cycle – Vogue
Vogue (magazine)
Vogue is a fashion and lifestyle magazine that is published monthly in 18 national and one regional edition by Condé Nast.-History:In 1892 Arthur Turnure founded Vogue as a weekly publication in the United States. When he died in 1909, Condé Montrose Nast picked up the magazine and slowly began...
editor-at-large André Leon Talley
André Leon Talley
André Leon Talley is the former American editor-at-large for Vogue magazine, listed as Contributing Editor in the April 2010 masthead. Talley has been a front-row regular at fashion shows in New York, Paris, London and Milan for more than 25 years...
, photographer Nigel Barker and Tyra Banks
Tyra Banks
Tyra Lynne Banks is an American model, media personality, actress, occasional singer, author and businesswoman. She first became famous as a model, but television appearances were her commercial breakthrough...
herself – remain.
The international destination for this cycle is Morocco
Morocco , officially the Kingdom of Morocco , is a country located in North Africa. It has a population of more than 32 million and an area of 710,850 km², and also primarily administers the disputed region of the Western Sahara...
, making this the second time the show has travelled to Africa
Africa is the world's second largest and second most populous continent, after Asia. At about 30.2 million km² including adjacent islands, it covers 6% of the Earth's total surface area and 20.4% of the total land area...
, the first being in Cycle 4
America's Next Top Model, Cycle 4
America's Next Top Model, Cycle 4 aired in spring 2005, with the shooting location being moved from New York City to Los Angeles. The catch-phrase of the season was "Dive In."...
, where the show visited Cape Town, South Africa.
The winner was 19-years old Brittani Kline
Brittani Kline
Brittani Kline is an American fashion model, best known as the winner of Cycle 16 of America's Next Top Model.-Biography:...
from Beech Creek, Pennsylvania
Beech Creek, Pennsylvania
Beech Creek is a borough in Clinton County, Pennsylvania, United States. The population was 717 at the 2000 census. It is the setting for Fun Home, a 2006 graphic memoir by Alison Bechdel, who grew up there...
Erin Wasson
First aired February 23, 2011- First call-out: Molly O'Connell
- Bottom two: Angelia Alvarez & Dominique Waldrup
- Eliminated: Angelia Alvarez
- Featured photographer: Russell JamesRussell JamesRussell James is a fashion, celebrity and beauty photographer. He is not to be confused with Russell James, British writer.-Photography:...
- Special guest: Erin WassonErin WassonErin Wasson is an American model and occasional stylist and designer. She is of Irish ancestry.-Career:...
Alek Wek
First aired March 2, 2011At the house, Nicole pondered about how she could improve her performance in the competition after she was told she photographed old at panel, while Ondrei revealed that less than a year previous to coming to the show, two of her brothers were murdered. Tyra visited the house, and introduced the girls to her nutritionist Heather Bauer, who taught the girls about “cheaties” – healthy but tasty alternatives to a top model's diet. Later, Monique and Dalya discovered a plate of rotting chicken in the fridge, and conflict broke out between Dalya and Alexandria, who thought that Dalya was patronizing her.
Later, the girls were taken to Colony Theatre in Burbank
Burbank, California
Burbank is a city in Los Angeles County in Southern California, United States, north of downtown Los Angeles. The estimated population in 2010 was 103,340....
where Nigel introduced them to acting coach Eugene Buica. The girls were asked to draw a picture of their inner critic, and then confront them, with Eugene acting as the critic. Ondrei broke down, upset about her brothers, while Molly revealed that she was adopted. After the teach was over, each of the girls were given earrings as a reward for doing well in such an emotional teach.
Next, the girls were taken to their photo-shoot, where they would be modeling jewelry while surrounded by bees. Monique impressed Jay with her strong poses and facial expressions. Hannah was reduced to tears during the shoot, feeling under pressure to perform well, while Jaclyn worried about her bee sting allergy. After the shoot, Ondrei contemplated leaving the competition, stating that she wanted to compete, but that her traumatic past continued to haunt her.
At panel, Ondrei told the judges that she wanted to leave. The judges were supportive, and Ondrei left the competition. Tyra informed the remaining girls that if Ondrei’s photo was deemed the weakest, there would be no elimination for the week. If not, there would still be an elimination. As judging continued, Hannah received high acclaim for her emotional-stunning photo. Monique and Mikaela also both received praise for their unique beauty that translated to their photos. Alexandria, Dominique and Sara all produced stunning shots but were warned about poor quality films overall, while Kasia's choice of dress was criticized.
Hannah received first call-out for producing a stellar, high-fashion photo. In the end, Dalya and Nicole were called forward as the bottom two, Dalya for producing a largely unusable film, despite a decent picture, and Nicole for once again photographing much older than she looked in person. Tyra revealed that Ondrei’s photo had not been deemed the worst in the group, and that one of the bottom two would be leaving. Dalya was saved, and Nicole became the third girl to leave the competition.
- Quit: Ondrei Edwards
- First call-out: Hannah Jones
- Bottom two: Dalya Morrow & Nicole Lucas
- Eliminated: Nicole Lucas
- Featured photographer: Mike RosenthalMike RosenthalMike Rosenthal is an American football offensive tackle who is currently retired.He was originally drafted by the New York Giants in the fifth round of the 1999 NFL Draft. He played college football at Notre Dame. Rosenthal is now a high school football coach at Austin High School in Austin, Texas...
- Special guest: Alek WekAlek WekAlek Wek is a Sudanese British model who first appeared on the catwalks at the age of 18 in 1995, sparking a career lasting to date. She is from the Dinka ethnic group in South Sudan, but in 1991 she and some family members fled to Britain to escape the civil war in Sudan...
, Heather Bauer, Eugene Buica, Kim Ki-Seok, Scott J. Cunha, Vincent Oquendo
Lori Goldstein
First aired March 9, 2011The girls returned from panel to find a drape with descriptions of their makeovers, but not to which girl each style corresponded, causing panic from some, and excitement from others. The girls were taken to the Privé salon in Los Angeles, and although most of the girls were satisfied with their new looks, Sara was disappointed not to get a weave and Alexandria expressed her concerns about how she thought her stylist should be fixing her hair, though she was ultimately happy with the overall result. An independent stylist was brought in specifically for Molly’s advanced weave, but the style was universally panned, and Molly angrily expressed her disdain at her new look.
Model | Makeover |
Alexandria | "Longer, Straighter, Blonder!" |
Brittani | "Short Dutch Boy" |
Dalya | "Long black & Straight" |
Dominique | "Kinky, Red & Wild" |
Hannah | "Dirty Blond & Big Waves" |
Jaclyn | "Big Gurly & Curly" |
Kasia | "Big Blond crimped Craziness" |
Mikaela | "Think Pocahontas Pocahontas Pocahontas was a Virginia Indian notable for her association with the colonial settlement at Jamestown, Virginia. She was the daughter of Chief Powhatan, the head of a network of tributary tribal nations in Tidewater Virginia... " |
Molly | "What if Diana Ross Diana Ross Diana Ernestine Earle Ross is an American singer, record producer, and actress. Ross was lead singer of the Motown group The Supremes during the 1960s. After leaving the group in 1970, Ross began a solo career that included successful ventures into film and Broadway... was a Blonde?" |
Monique | "Add a few gentle Waves" |
Sara | "Manly short brown spikes" |
The girls were next taken to a farm for their photo shoot, and learned they would be shooting in groups this week. They then met their photographer Pamela Hanson and stylist Lori Goldstein, who dressed the girls in couture gowns. Alexandria was unhappy before her shoot with Monique after discovering a pimple, and was criticized for her unacceptable attitude by Pamela and Lori. Sara and Mikaela were pleased to be shooting together, but struggled to pull off a good shot as a pair. In the only group with three girls, Jaclyn and Dalya worked well together, but Dominique struggled to gain inspiration, and Jay noted that she had essentially become a spare part in the shoot.
Groupings |
Alexandria & Monique |
Brittani & Hannah |
Dalya, Dominique & Jaclyn |
Kasia & Molly |
Mikaela & Sara |
At panel, most of the girls received positive feedback from their shoots. Alexandria stunning shot earned her the first call, but Tyra warned her that bad attitude would not be tolerated in the future. Molly was promised that her weave would be redone, much to her relief. Brittani & Hannah also impressed the judges. But, Dominique's nerves and Sara's lack of self-confidence landed them in the bottom two, but Sara was deemed to have more potential, and Dominique was sent packing.
- First call-out: Alexandria Everett
- Bottom two: Dominique Waldrup & Sara Longoria
- Eliminated: Dominique Waldrup
- Featured photographer: Troy Jensen (makeovers), Pamela HansonPamela HansonPamela Hanson is a British-born, New York-based photographer and filmmaker.-Biography:Pamela Hanson was born in London and was raised in Geneva. She has lived in Europe for twenty years and now lives in New York City where she is working on a movie script.-Commercial work:Pamela Hanson is well...
(photoshoot) - Special guest: Lori Goldstein, Laurent D, Molly Stern, Michael Kanyon,
Francesco Carrozzini
First aired March 16, 2011- First call-out: Kasia Pilewicz
- Bottom two: Alexandria Everett & Sara Longoria
- Eliminated: Sara Longoria
- Featured photographer: Francesco CarrozziniFrancesco CarrozziniFrancesco Carrozzini is an Italian photographer and director.He lives and works in New York City.-Early life:Francesco grew up in Milan, Italy. He began taking pictures and making films with his friends as a youth, which led him to pursue an education in the arts...
- Special guest: Francesco CarrozziniFrancesco CarrozziniFrancesco Carrozzini is an Italian photographer and director.He lives and works in New York City.-Early life:Francesco grew up in Milan, Italy. He began taking pictures and making films with his friends as a youth, which led him to pursue an education in the arts...
Rachel Zoe
First aired March 23, 2011Following her appearance in the bottom two at the previous panel, Alexandria rued how she was being perceived by the judges, but the other girls all felt that the judges had her personality down correctly, and joked that they should let her fall on her own sword, and talk her way out of the competition. Despite having it redone, Molly was still unhappy with her hair weave, and revealed how it had made her scalp swell.
The girls were taken to a Cover Girl challenge, where the girls were put into teams to shoot promotional videos for Cover Girl foundation. The girls were sorted in teams of three, with each member taking on a different role in the team - director, script writer, or star. Alexandria frustrated her teammates by trying to control of all roles, but Monique was praised for managing to do well in spite of Alexandria's interference. In the end, the group of Brittani, Kasia and Mikaela won the challenge, and the opportunity for their video to be shown on the Cover Girl website. Back at the house, Alexandria tearfully called her boyfriend, feeling misunderstood in the house, but while she did so, the other girls gossiped about her, and Monique decided to read her diary, to find out how she really felt about the other girls.
Teams | Theme |
Alexandria, Molly & Monique | Day time, Casual |
Dalya, Jaclyn & Hannah | Bold, Colorful Eyes |
Brittani, Kasia & Mikaela | Night, Red Carpet |
For their next photo shoot, the girls were taken to the old L.A Zoo, where they were to pose for Rachel Zoe's faux fur collection, and learned that they would be shooting with Murato, a baby jaguar. Kasia experienced the most difficulty posing with the jaguar due to her being allergic to animals, whilst Dalya was accused of only doing basic poses. Molly was unhappy about being the penultimate girl to shoot, as she felt that the jaguar had grown increasingly frustrated as the day has gone on, giving the girls who shot first an advantage.
At panel, Brittani, Jaclyn and Monique all received positive feedback, but Hannah received top praise for her stellar photograph, and received first call-out. Dalya received the worst feedback, as the judges felt that she was doubting herself, and it was getting in the way of her performance, and she landed in the bottom two alongside Molly, for letting hair trouble distract her. Eventually Molly was saved, and was told that her weave would now be removed altogether.
- First call-out: Hannah Jones
- Bottom two: Dalya Morrow & Molly O'Connell
- Eliminated: Dalya Morrow
- Featured photographer: Baldomero Fernandez
- Special Guest: Rachel ZoeRachel ZoeRachel Zoe Rosenzweig , also known as Rachel Zoe, is an American fashion stylist best known for working with celebrities, fashion houses, beauty firms, advertising agencies, and magazine editors. In 2008, the first season of her Bravo reality television series The Rachel Zoe Project debuted...
, Vincent Oquendo
Sonia Dara
First aired March 30, 2011The girls returned from panel to be greeted by Tyra who wanted to teach the girls about model archetypes, and how to handle the fame that might come to the girls if they make it as successful models. During the lesson, Molly again became emotional about her weave, but Tyra told her that she needed to tough it out and stop complaining, and later, it was finally taken out for good, much to Molly’s delight.
Model | Archetype |
Alexandria | Edgy, Bombshell |
Brittani | Couture Haute couture Haute couture refers to the creation of exclusive custom-fitted clothing. Haute couture is made to order for a specific customer, and it is usually made from high-quality, expensive fabric and sewn with extreme attention to detail and finished by the most experienced and capable seamstresses,... |
Hannah | Girl next door Girl next door The cultural and sexual stereotype of the girl next door or the All-American girl is invoked in American contexts to indicate wholesome, unassuming femininity, as opposed to the culture's other female stereotypes such as the tomboy, the valley girl, the femme fatale, girly girl, or the slut. The... |
Jaclyn | Girl next door Girl next door The cultural and sexual stereotype of the girl next door or the All-American girl is invoked in American contexts to indicate wholesome, unassuming femininity, as opposed to the culture's other female stereotypes such as the tomboy, the valley girl, the femme fatale, girly girl, or the slut. The... |
Kasia | Bombshell, Couture Haute couture Haute couture refers to the creation of exclusive custom-fitted clothing. Haute couture is made to order for a specific customer, and it is usually made from high-quality, expensive fabric and sewn with extreme attention to detail and finished by the most experienced and capable seamstresses,... |
Mikaela | Couture Haute couture Haute couture refers to the creation of exclusive custom-fitted clothing. Haute couture is made to order for a specific customer, and it is usually made from high-quality, expensive fabric and sewn with extreme attention to detail and finished by the most experienced and capable seamstresses,... , Bombshell |
Monique | Bombshell |
Molly | Athletic, Edgy |
The girls were next taken to their next challenge, where J. Alexander told them that they would spend the afternoon meeting fans of the show. Monique quickly became fed up of talking to the fans, and when one asked her for a kiss, she instead directed him to Alexandria, who reluctantly kissed him on the cheek. Kasia won the challenge for being engaging with her fans, while still keeping the conversation mostly about modeling, and she choose Brittani and Jaclyn to join her in having dinner with Miss. J. The other girls were left to clean up the mess left by the fans, much to Monique’s disdain, causing some of the other girls to label her as high maintenance.
Next, the girls met Jonathan Mannion, their photographer for the week, and learned that they would be posing covered in mud. The girls were being shot in groups of four – the four blond girls in one group, and the four brunettes in the other. Jonathan was delighted with Brittani’s work on set, and even took a shot of her alone, ignoring the other three girls in her group. In between frames in the blond shoot, Alexandria moved Kasia’s arm after Jay specifically told her how to position it, and she worried that Jay would relay this back to Tyra, after he took it as her trying to once again to dictate the shoot.
At panel, the both shots received mixed responses from the judges, with Brittani and Kasia being told they were the standouts in their respective groups. Though Mikaela was praised for producing a somewhat stellar performance, Tyra chastised her that she had better shots, but she has to choose a picture where everybody looks strong altogether, thus the group photo shown on panel did not give justice to the overall strong film. Alexandria produced her first poor film, and her choice of outfit was harshly criticized by Andre. While the judges already deemed that the brunettes' photo was stronger, Monique and Mikaela landed at the bottom two, for coasting and inconsistency respectively. In the end, Mikaela was spared, with a warning to improve her eye expressions, and Monique, whom the judges deemed as a middle-runner, was eliminated.
- First call-out: Brittani Kline
- Bottom two: Mikaela Schipani & Monique Weingart
- Eliminated: Monique Weingart
- Featured photographer: Jonathan Mannion
- Special guest: Sonia Dara
Eric Daman
First aired April 6, 2011After returning from panel, the girls found bags underneath Brittani’s digital portrait, filled with materials related to their upcoming challenge – a photo shoot for “Warriors in Pink”, a cause against breast cancer. The concept immediately inspired many of the girls, including Brittani and Molly, who both had lost friends and loved ones to breast cancer. Mikaela admitted her confusion about how she was unable to get strong shots due to her extensive modeling experience, but vowed to improve at the next shoot. Alexandria continued to be unpopular amongst the girls, and mostly everyone agreed that she should have been the one to go home at the previous panel. The girls met Nigel at the shoot, and learned he would be their photographer for the day. Each girl would be representing a warrior and would have to do their own hair and makeup.
Model | Symbol |
Alexandria | Tree of Love Love Love is an emotion of strong affection and personal attachment. In philosophical context, love is a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection. Love is central to many religions, as in the Christian phrase, "God is love" or Agape in the Canonical gospels... |
Brittani | Dove Dove Pigeons and doves constitute the bird family Columbidae within the order Columbiformes, which include some 300 species of near passerines. In general terms "dove" and "pigeon" are used somewhat interchangeably... |
Hannah | Spiral Spiral In mathematics, a spiral is a curve which emanates from a central point, getting progressively farther away as it revolves around the point.-Spiral or helix:... |
Jaclyn | The Warrior The Warrior The Warrior is a 2001 film by British-Indian filmmaker Asif Kapadia. It stars Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan as Lafcadia, a warrior in feudal Rajasthan who attempts to give up the sword.... |
Kasia | Heart Heart The heart is a myogenic muscular organ found in all animals with a circulatory system , that is responsible for pumping blood throughout the blood vessels by repeated, rhythmic contractions... |
Mikaela | War Paint War Paint War Paint is the title of an album by American country music artist Lorrie Morgan. The album was released via BNA Records in 1994. It contains the singles "My Night to Howl" , "If You Came Back from Heaven" at #51 and "Heart Over Mind" at #39... |
Molly | Angel Wings Angel wings Angel wings are a traditional sweet crisp pastry made out of dough that has been shaped into thin twisted ribbons, deep-fried and sprinkled with powdered sugar. Traditionally present in several European cuisines, angel wings are known by many other names and have been incorporated into other... |
Before the shoot, Mikaela broke down in tears, but resolved to do a good job regardless. During their shoot, Nigel asked Brittani what she thought about whilst posing, and reacted negatively to her response of “I don’t think, I just do,” feeling that Brittani wasn’t passionate enough about modeling. Hannah was criticized for being unmemorable during the shoot. Alexandria on the other hand impressed Nigel, and ultimately won the prize – the chance to shoot a national campaign for “Warriors in Pink”, as well as a new 2012 Ford Focus. Backstage following the result, the other girls, led by Brittani, angrily bemoaned the choice of Alexandria winning, feeling that she was undeserving, and when Alexandria calmly told them she could hear what they were saying, Brittani exploded in anger, and told her that none of the girls liked her, and that they felt she should have gone home instead of Monique at last panel, shocking Nigel, who had also overheard everything. Back at the house, the models pondered how to best deal with Alexandria, and when she returned from her campaign shoot, they gave her the silent treatment, though in a confessional, a confused Alexandria claimed that this only further pushed her on to do well.
Next, Miss J. crept into the model’s home in the early hours, and whisked them away for a tour of Universal Studios, where they would be shooting for this week’s photo. Each girl had to portray women who are addicted to certain fashion items, shot by Miguel Starcevich.
Model | Crazy for |
Alexandria | Faux Fur |
Brittani | Shoes |
Hannah | Handbags |
Jaclyn | Makeup |
Kasia | Hair Hair Hair is a filamentous biomaterial, that grows from follicles found in the dermis. Found exclusively in mammals, hair is one of the defining characteristics of the mammalian class.... |
Mikaela | Sales Sales A sale is the act of selling a product or service in return for money or other compensation. It is an act of completion of a commercial activity.... |
Molly | Accessories Fashion accessory Fashion accessories are decorative items that supplement and complement clothes, such as jewelery, gloves, handbags, hats, belts, scarves, wigs, watches, sunglasses, pins, stockings, bow ties, hand fans, leg warmers, leggings, neckties, suspenders, and tights.... |
Mikaela struggled get into character, being overwhelmed by the piles of shopping bags around her. Jaclyn impressed Jay the most, embodying her assignment to the fullest extent.
At panel, Jaclyn received amazing critique for her “crazy for makeup” shoot, while Molly and Kasia also received good feedback. Hannah was commended for pulling out an excellent “crazy for handbags” shot, but Tyra warned her that her overall film was poor. Mikaela again struggled with inconsistency in her film, and she admitted she was never totally sure about the concept of the shot. During Alexandria’s critique with the judges, Nigel called Brittani out over her outburst at the challenge, and deemed her unprofessional for airing her personal opinions in the workplace. Although Brittani attempted to defend her actions, Tyra agreed with Nigel, leading to Brittani fleeing out of panel, and breaking down backstage. Soon after, Brittani chose to return to get her critique in the middle of a panic attack, and attempted to apologize to the judges for her actions. Her picture was generally well received by the judges, but her professionalism was called into question, with Tyra feeling that her outburst had made her appear unattractive to the judges.
During deliberation, Tyra recalled the elimination of Toccara Jones
Toccara Jones
Toccara Jones from Dayton, Ohio, is an American fashion model, occasional actress and television personality. Jones was a contestant on the third season of the UPN series America's Next Top Model, where she finished in seventh place....
in Cycle 3
America's Next Top Model, Cycle 3
America's Next Top Model, Cycle 3 debuted on September 22, 2004. It was the first cycle to gain partnership with cosmetics magnate CoverGirl and ran weekly commercials during the show named Beauty Tip of the Week with Jay Manuel and Elsa Benitez as well as the CoverGirl of the Week contest. Also...
, and how she had been outnumbered by the other judges that day. Tyra said that Brittani was her choice to be eliminated, but again found herself in the minority, with the other three judges feeling that Brittani would learn from her experience, something which Tyra was unsure of. Backstage, Alexandria confronted the other girls, and after asking them why they disliked her so much, Brittani stormed out once again.
After the fight, Jaclyn received a first call-out for her excellent picture, while Molly, Hannah, Kasia, and Alexandria all safely progressed to the next round. Tyra praised Alexandria for the way she handled herself throughout the difficult panel and that she would have been called much sooner had she had more feeling in her eyes. Mikaela and Brittani were called forward as the bottom two, Mikaela for her declining performance, and Brittani for being unprofessional. Ultimately, Tyra halfheartedly handed the final photo to Brittani, stating that if had not been outvoted, she would have given the last photo to Mikaela.
- First call-out: Jaclyn Poole
- Bottom two: Brittani Kline & Mikaela Schipani
- Eliminated: Mikaela Schipani
- Featured photographer: Miguel Starcevich
- Special guest: Eric Daman
Lana Marks
First aired April 13, 2011Following her narrow escape at the previous panel, Brittani apologized to Alexandria for her outbursts against her on the way home, and though most agreed that Alexandria’s attitude had improved, Molly theorized that nothing had changed, and that Alexandria was just acting nice, and the other girls were foolish to believe her supposed act. Tyra helped the girls put together portfolios for their impending go-sees, and after giving each girl their portfolio, informed them that each contained a letter of the name of this cycle’s overseas destination. After a scramble, the girls learned that they would be going to Morocco, but Tyra surprised them by revealing that this cycle, only five girls would be going overseas, and that the girls performance at go-sees would play a major part in the judge’s deliberations at panel.
At the house, the girls met Kyle Hagler from IMG Models, who gave them their brief for the go-sees. Each girl had four hours to visit four different castings, each representing a different archetype of modeling – Athletic, Bombshell, Couture and Girl Next Door, before returning to Lana Marks for one final go-see. Each girl was given a driver for the challenge, but was told that they had to direct the drivers to the go-sees. Alexandria found this to be an advantage, as she was the only girl who had a pre-existing knowledge of L.A, claiming she knew it like the back of her hand. All of the girls made it back to Lana Marks in time, including Alexandria who arrived with only 30 seconds to spare, and Kyle informed the girls that only the three who performed the best throughout the day would move onto a go-see with Lana, for the chance to appear in a global campaign, as well as a gift bag from the designers. Alexandria, Kasia and Molly moved onto the top three, and after a go-see with Lana, Alexandria was named as the challenge winner and she also received the immunity at panel. At the house, Brittani felt resigned to going home, feeling that her failure to progress past the first round at go-sees, on top of her performance at the previous panel would eliminate her.
Next, the girls were taken to the Olinda Landfill
Olinda Landfill
The Olinda Landfill is a landfill situated in Orange County, California, west of the northern portion of Chino Hills State Park in Carbon Canyon in Olinda neighborhood of Brea City....
in Orange County
Orange County, California
Orange County is a county in the U.S. state of California. Its county seat is Santa Ana. As of the 2010 census, its population was 3,010,232, up from 2,846,293 at the 2000 census, making it the third most populous county in California, behind Los Angeles County and San Diego County...
, where they would be taking part in their next photoshoot with Nigel. The girls would be wearing couture dresses designed specifically by Michael Cinco for each girl.
Before their shoot, Nigel reassured Brittani that she was still in the competition because the judges felt her worth keeping, but warned her that it was pivotal she got a good shot. In spite of their surroundings, most of the girls impressed Nigel and Jay, but Molly’s complaining detracted from her strong performance.
At the panel, Alexandria swept the board, with the judges loving her stunning high fashion shot, and booking all four of her go-see appointments. Molly had a strong picture, but was warned that the designers were all put off by her personality whilst she was waiting to see the casting agents, and was told she would have won the challenge if her personality was better. Before receiving her picture, Brittani apologized to Tyra for her actions at the previous panel, and Tyra accepted, though her, and Jaclyn’s failure to make no more than two go-sees was strongly criticized by the judges. Hannah had a strong performance in all aspects of the week, but the judges were concerned that she was too fragile for the industry.
Alexandria’s strong performance earned her first call out for the week, while Hannah, Kasia and Brittani all joined her on the plane to Morocco, leaving Jaclyn and Molly as the bottom two – Jaclyn for only making two go-sees, and Molly for her questionable attitude and passion for modeling. In the end, Molly was deemed to have more potential, eliminating Jaclyn despite having a stellar portfolio.
- First call-out: Alexandria Everett
- Bottom two: Jaclyn Poole & Molly O'Connell
- Eliminated: Jaclyn Poole
- Featured photographer: Nigel Barker
- Special Guest: Lana MarksLana MarksLana Marks is an international fashion brand founded by Lana Marks. They specialize in exotic leather accessories that are available in 150 styles in 100 colors., and are known for creating some of the world’s most expensive handbags. Lana Marks is based out of Palm Beach, Florida.-Founder:Lana...
, Kyle Hagler, Daniella Clarke, Rachel Williams, Oday Shakar, Jerry AvenaimJerry AvenaimJerry Avenaim is an American photographer best known for his fashion and celebrity images.-Early life:...
, Michael Cinco
Franca Sozzani
First aired April 27, 2011The final five girls arrived in Marrakech, Morocco, the location for the rest of the Cycle, and met the Jay’s who informed them that they would be given the day off to see Morocco, and each of the girls reflected on their position in the competition. Alexandria was pleased that her fortunes appeared to be changing, while Molly worried that the judges would lose faith in her.
Later, the girls met with Andre, who asked the girls to show him their walks in elaborate couture outfits designed by Noureddine Amir, and while most of the girls did well, Kasia was upset to find that none of the dresses at the studio fitted her plus sized frame, but did a good job of hiding her hurt feelings from Andre. The girls were then taken to a rooftop, where they again met Andre for a chat, before being surprised to learn that they were actually on the roof of their new luxury Marrakech apartment. Molly however was unhappy when she learned that she would have to share a bed with Brittani and Kasia.
The girl’s first overseas photoshoot took them to the Marrakech desert, where they had to pose on the back of camels for photographer Michael Woolley. Molly attempted to improve her image around set, and impressed Jay with a strong performance, but Kasia struggled at the shoot, and admitted that she was feeling uncomfortable with her body. Alexandria was initially excited for the shoot, but her continuing control issues annoyed Michael, and she struggled to perform well.
At panel, the girls were introduced to Franca Sozzani, editor-in-chief of Vogue Italia, who was the guest judge for the week. Molly, Brittani and Hannah were all praised for strong shots, with Hannah finally being told that she stood out, with her shoot being completely different from the other girls. Alexandria received mixed comments on her shot, and was warned of the dangers of upsetting the photographer, while Kasia was criticized for lacking energy in her shot, and for letting her body issues get in the way of her performance.
Eventually, Molly received the first call out for her excellent shot, followed by Brittani and Hannah. Alexandria and Kasia were called forward as the bottom two, Alexandria for not performing as well as some of the other girls, and for her demeanor at set, and Kasia for being inconsistent from week-to-week, and lacking confidence. Ultimately, Kasia was eliminated and Alexandria was spared.
- First call-out: Molly O'Connell
- Bottom two: Alexandria Everett & Kasia Pilewicz
- Eliminated: Kasia Pilewicz
- Featured photographer: Michael Wooley
- Special Guest: Franca SozzaniFranca SozzaniFranca Sozzani is an Italian journalist and the editor-in-chief of Vogue Italia since 1988.Franca has been at the forefront of Fashion since the beginning of her career. Sozzani started her career at Vogue Bambini and directed legendary publications LEI since 1980 and PER LUI since 1982 before...
Daniella Issa Helayel
First aired May 4, 2011The day after returning from panel, Miss J. arrived at the top model apartment, and escorted the girls to an informal meeting with Franca Sozzani, the editor-in-chief of Vogue Italia, giving them the chance to ask her questions, and show her their portfolios. After Franca left, J. next introduced the girls to Noor Talbi, a professional tea-tray dancer, who after teaching the girls the art of balancing trays on their heads, informed them that they would have to demonstrate what they had learned in front of a live audience later that night.
At the challenge, J. informed the girls of a further twist – they would have to balance lit candles on their trays, as well as dance with a professional group of tea-tray dancers. Molly struggled, tripping on her skirt almost immediately, and making little effort to recover, but Brittani excelled and managed to keep her tray balanced for her whole routine. Alexandria initially performed well, but dropped her tray completely in her final move. Eventually, Alexandria was the runner-up, Brittani was named as the challenge winner, giving her the opportunity to have a personal runway lesson from J, along with Hannah, whom she chose to share the reward with.
Later, the girls were wandering through Marrakech, and discovered a stall with unusual delicacies, including eyeballs and goat’s brain, which each of the girls sampled. Later, Brittani regretted her decision at the restaurant, having fallen ill since eating there.
At the photo shoot, Jay told the girls that their shoot would be a continuation of the story behind their last shoot, and introduced them to their photographer for the week, Friedemann Hauss. Hannah struggled to successfully portray her story, while Molly and Brittani once again excelled. Alexandria was excited for the shoot, but became frustrated when Jay warned her not to be something different than a pretty girl, and consequently her performance suffered.
At panel, Alexandria received a mixed response for her photo, with the judges deeming it not high fashion, something which they also said of Brittani, though they still liked her picture. Hannah also had a decent picture, but the judges again worried that she was not a standout. Molly impressed them the most with her high fashion shot, and she earned the first call-out. Hannah and Alexandria were named as the bottom two, both for control issues – Alexandria for being too controlling in her face at her shoots, and Hannah for lacking the control to be consistent. Ultimately, Hannah was given a reprieve while Alexandria was eliminated from the competition.
- First call-out: Molly O'Connell
- Bottom two: Alexandria Everett & Hannah Jones
- Eliminated: Alexandria Everett
- Featured photographer: Friedemann Hauss
- Special Guest: Daniella Issa Helayel, Franca SozzaniFranca SozzaniFranca Sozzani is an Italian journalist and the editor-in-chief of Vogue Italia since 1988.Franca has been at the forefront of Fashion since the beginning of her career. Sozzani started her career at Vogue Bambini and directed legendary publications LEI since 1980 and PER LUI since 1982 before...
Ivan Bart
First aired May 11, 2011Following panel, the girls all reflected on their chances at winning the competition, and identified Molly as the frontrunner. Jay arrived at the house, and showed the girls a video message from Lara Spencer
Lara Spencer
Lara Spencer is the lifestyle anchor for Good Morning America. She is also a correspondent for Nightline and ABC News. Previously, she was the host of the syndicated television newsmagazine The Insider and was a regular contributor to CBS's The Early Show...
of The Insider
The Insider (TV series)
The Insider is an American tabloid television news program covering events and celebrities. It debuted on September 13, 2004 as a spinoff of Entertainment Tonight and started as a popular segment that took viewers "behind closed doors" and gave them "inside" information...
, who informed them of this week's challenge–-each girl would have to research one of three fashion and beauty methods common in Marrakesh, and then shoot an informative 90-second video report about their selected topic. Brittani was criticized for not utilizing her expert fully and running from inside to the outer market while the camera followed her, causing her to run over her allotted time. Hannah impressed with her video but likewise went over the allotted time. Molly was commended for finishing her report within the 90 seconds, although she was reminded to maximize her time. Ultimately, Molly won the challenge.
Model | Assigned Product |
Brittani | Henna Henna Henna is a flowering plant used since antiquity to dye skin, hair, fingernails, leather and wool. The name is also used for dye preparations derived from the plant, and for the art of temporary tattooing based on those dyes... |
Hannah | Argan oil Argan oil Argan oil is an oil produced from the kernels of the argan tree, endemic to Morocco, that is valued for its nutritive, cosmetic and numerous medicinal properties. The tree, a relict species from the Tertiary age, is extremely well adapted to drought and other environmentally difficult conditions of... |
Molly | Black kohl Kohl (cosmetics) Kohl is an ancient eye cosmetic. It was made by grinding galena and other ingredients. It is widely used in South Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, and parts of West Africa to darken the eyelids and as mascara for the eyelashes... |
Next, Tyra visited the girls to check how they were coping in the competition. Molly became emotional while talking about missing her family, and how poorly she had treated them in the past, and resolved to make them proud, while Hannah reflected on how she had grown as a person in the competition. Brittani revealed that she had been bullied as a child because of her mom's anxiety issues, but Tyra encouraged them to keep trying to prove their doubters wrong. After the chat, Tyra held an impromptu photo shoot with the girls, and helped them to isolate parts of their bodies without moving other parts.
The girls then arrived for the week’s photo shoot, where they would be posing on the beach with a male model in traditional Moroccan wedding gowns. Molly was concerned about posing with a male model for the first time, and struggled as a result, but Hannah impressed Nigel with the conflicted narrative she came up with for her shoot. Brittani again felt uncomfortable with the idea of acting sexy, and began to cry mid-shoot after being accused of being overconfident by Jay.
At panel, Tyra informed the girls that she was so impressed with their performances at the wedding gown shoot, that she had selected two pictures from each girl’s film instead of one. Contrary to her expectations, Molly produced two beautiful shots, though Nigel admitted he didn’t enjoy shooting her, while Hannah produced some of her best pictures in the competition so far. Brittani excelled once again, and was commended for excellent posing, though Nigel scolded her for crying during the shoot.
Ultimately, Molly gained a first call-out, and progressed to the final two. Brittani and Hannah were left as the bottom two, where Hannah was chastised for her fragility and questionable inner strength, while Brittani was told that the judges felt her performance had declined as the competition moved to Morocco. In the end, Brittani was saved, and Hannah surprisingly leaves the competition.
- First call-out: Molly O'Connell
- Bottom two: Brittani Kline & Hannah Jones
- Eliminated: Hannah Jones
- Featured photographer: Tyra BanksTyra BanksTyra Lynne Banks is an American model, media personality, actress, occasional singer, author and businesswoman. She first became famous as a model, but television appearances were her commercial breakthrough...
, Nigel Barker - Special Guest: Lara SpencerLara SpencerLara Spencer is the lifestyle anchor for Good Morning America. She is also a correspondent for Nightline and ABC News. Previously, she was the host of the syndicated television newsmagazine The Insider and was a regular contributor to CBS's The Early Show...
, Ivan Bart, Younes Tazi, Audrey Lambert, Vincent Jabes
Season Finale
First aired May 18, 2011Brittani and Molly faced Jay Manuel for their CoverGirl commercial and print ad. To help them perfect their lines, the girls were given a teleprompter and to add challenge, they will be shot in three simultaneous angles. Molly found herself struggling because she feels that the girl-next-door image is not her personality, while Brittani is experiencing panic attacks, though both girls managed to pull through.
Next, the final two then met stylist Valentina Serra and top fashion photographer Pierpaolo Ferrari for their Vogue Italia cover shoots. Brittani was praised for her professionalism at the shoot, while Molly was castigated for lack of commitment. That night, Molly was surprised to see her foster parents, while Brittani's mother was not able to come due to medical reasons, but as she was allowed to talk with her mother via Skype
Skype is a software application that allows users to make voice and video calls and chat over the Internet. Calls to other users within the Skype service are free, while calls to both traditional landline telephones and mobile phones can be made for a fee using a debit-based user account system...
The girls are joined by Cycle 15
America's Next Top Model, Cycle 15
America's Next Top Model, Cycle 15 is the fifteenth cycle of America's Next Top Model and the ninth season to be aired on The CW network. It premiered on September 8, 2010...
winner Ann Ward
Ann Ward
Ann Ward Is an American fashion model, best known as the winner of Cycle 15 of America's Next Top Model.-Early life:Ann Ward originally came from the Dallas, Texas. She graduated from Prosper High School in Prosper, Texas in 2009...
, as well as previously eliminated girls Kasia, Alexandria and Hannah for the Vivienne Westwood
Vivienne Westwood
Dame Vivienne Westwood, DBE, RDI is a British fashion designer and businesswoman, largely responsible for bringing modern punk and new wave fashions into the mainstream.-Early life:...
fashion show. Though both girls excelled throughout the whole show, Brittani accidentally went out of character by laughing while doing a semi-erotic pose with Molly. Brittani stumbled at the penultimate part of the show, injuring herself, though she decided to perform in the final walk anyway. After the show, Ivan Bart surprised the girls by announcing that they will have a second set of makeovers before facing the judges, much to the girls' surprise. Some of the girls, hair was cut short.
Jay Manuel
Jay Manuel
Jay Manuel is a Canadian make-up artist, fashion photographer, and model. He is most recognizable as the director of photo shoots on the popular reality television show America's Next Top Model...
reveals himself as their guest judge for the final panel, Brittani was hailed for doing well in the CoverGirl commercial, while Molly was accused for looking mean. For their fashion show, both were hailed for their strong performances. Though Nigel and Tyra castigated Brittani for her laughing incident, they commended her for pushing through her injury. One of the judges thought Molly's walk was a bit bouncy and cheap while Brittani's was like in an urban rush. During deliberations, the judges were torn because both girls displayed equally strong bodies of work. Their portfolios were neck and neck, with Brittani's was slightly higher. They consider Brittani romantic, while Molly is hard.
The girls were called back, and Brittani was revealed to be the winner of the sixteenth cycle of America's Next Top Model
America's Next Top Model
America's Next Top Model is a reality television show in which a number of women compete for the title of America's Next Top Model and a chance to start their career in the modeling industry....
- Final Two: Brittani Kline & Molly O'Connell
- America's Next Top Model: Brittani Kline
- Featured Photographer: Pierpaolo Ferrari
- Special Guest: Ivan Bart, Valentina Serra, Ann WardAnn WardAnn Ward Is an American fashion model, best known as the winner of Cycle 15 of America's Next Top Model.-Early life:Ann Ward originally came from the Dallas, Texas. She graduated from Prosper High School in Prosper, Texas in 2009...
, J. Alexander, Jay ManuelJay ManuelJay Manuel is a Canadian make-up artist, fashion photographer, and model. He is most recognizable as the director of photo shoots on the popular reality television show America's Next Top Model...
(ages stated are at time of contest)Contestant | Age | Hometown | Rank |
Angelia Alvarez | 20 | Pembroke Pines, Florida Pembroke Pines, Florida Pembroke Pines is a city in Broward County, Florida, United States. The city had a population of 154,750 at the 2010 census, making it the second most populous city in Broward County, the tenth most populous in Florida, and the 150th most populous in the United States... |
14th |
Ondrei Edwards | 18 | Muskegon, Michigan Muskegon, Michigan Muskegon is a city in the U.S. state of Michigan. As of the 2010 census, the city population was 38,401. The city is the county seat of Muskegon County... |
13th (Quit) |
Nicole Lucas | 20 | Orlando, Florida Orlando, Florida Orlando is a city in the central region of the U.S. state of Florida. It is the county seat of Orange County, and the center of the Greater Orlando metropolitan area. According to the 2010 US Census, the city had a population of 238,300, making Orlando the 79th largest city in the United States... |
12th |
Dominique Waldrup | 23 | Houston, Texas Houston, Texas Houston is the fourth-largest city in the United States, and the largest city in the state of Texas. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, the city had a population of 2.1 million people within an area of . Houston is the seat of Harris County and the economic center of , which is the ... |
11th |
Sara Longoria | 18 | Edinburg, Texas Edinburg, Texas Edinburg is a city in and the county seat of Hidalgo County, Texas, United States. The population was 77,100 at the 2010 census. The University of Texas–Pan American, the only fully accredited four-year university in the Rio Grande Valley, is located in Edinburg.Edinburg is part of the... |
10th |
Dalya Morrow | 21 | Corona, California Corona, California Corona is a city in Riverside County, California, United States. As of the 2010 census, the city had a population of 152,374, up from 124,966 at the 2000 census... |
9th |
Monique Weingart | 19 | Hebron Hebron Hebron , is located in the southern West Bank, south of Jerusalem. Nestled in the Judean Mountains, it lies 930 meters above sea level. It is the largest city in the West Bank and home to around 165,000 Palestinians, and over 500 Jewish settlers concentrated in and around the old quarter... , Illinois Illinois Illinois is the fifth-most populous state of the United States of America, and is often noted for being a microcosm of the entire country. With Chicago in the northeast, small industrial cities and great agricultural productivity in central and northern Illinois, and natural resources like coal,... |
8th |
Mikaela Schipani | 21 | Boca Raton, Florida Boca Raton, Florida Boca Raton is a city in Palm Beach County, Florida, USA, incorporated in May 1925. In the 2000 census, the city had a total population of 74,764; the 2006 population recorded by the U.S. Census Bureau was 86,396. However, the majority of the people under the postal address of Boca Raton, about... |
7th |
Jaclyn Poole | 20 | Belton, Texas Belton, Texas Belton is a city in Bell County, Texas, United States. The population was 14,623 at the 2000 census. It is the county seat of Bell County.Belton is part of the Killeen – Temple – Fort Hood metropolitan area.-Geography:... |
6th |
Katarzyna "Kasia" Pilewicz | 26 | Wheaton, Illinois Wheaton, Illinois Wheaton is an affluent community located in DuPage County, Illinois, approximately west of Chicago and Lake Michigan. Wheaton is the county seat of DuPage County... |
5th |
Alexandria Everett | 21 | Huntington Beach, California Huntington Beach, California Huntington Beach is a seaside city in Orange County in Southern California. According to the 2010 census, the city population was 189,992; making it the largest beach city in Orange County in terms of population... |
4th |
Hannah Jones | 20 | Houston, Texas Houston, Texas Houston is the fourth-largest city in the United States, and the largest city in the state of Texas. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, the city had a population of 2.1 million people within an area of . Houston is the seat of Harris County and the economic center of , which is the ... |
3rd |
Molly O'Connell | 22 | Charleston, South Carolina Charleston, South Carolina Charleston is the second largest city in the U.S. state of South Carolina. It was made the county seat of Charleston County in 1901 when Charleston County was founded. The city's original name was Charles Towne in 1670, and it moved to its present location from a location on the west bank of the... |
Runner-up |
Brittani Kline Brittani Kline Brittani Kline is an American fashion model, best known as the winner of Cycle 16 of America's Next Top Model.-Biography:... |
19 | Beech Creek, Pennsylvania Beech Creek, Pennsylvania Beech Creek is a borough in Clinton County, Pennsylvania, United States. The population was 717 at the 2000 census. It is the setting for Fun Home, a 2006 graphic memoir by Alison Bechdel, who grew up there... |
Winner |
Photo shoot guide
- Episode 1 Photo Shoot: Backstage at a Fashion Show
- Episode 2 Photo Shoot: Beauty Shots with Bees
- Episode 3 Photo Shoot: Alice In Wonderland Couture Dresses in Groups
- Episode 4 Commercial: Retro-Style Coffee Commercial
- Episode 5 Photo Shoot: Faux Fur with a Baby Jaguar
- Episode 6 Photo Shoot: Blondes vs Brunettes covered in Mud
- Episode 7 Photo Shoot: Crazies for Fashion
- Episode 8 Photo Shoot: Eco-Friendly LandfillLandfillA landfill site , is a site for the disposal of waste materials by burial and is the oldest form of waste treatment...
Couture - Episode 10 Photo Shoot: Nomads on a CamelCamelA camel is an even-toed ungulate within the genus Camelus, bearing distinctive fatty deposits known as humps on its back. There are two species of camels: the dromedary or Arabian camel has a single hump, and the bactrian has two humps. Dromedaries are native to the dry desert areas of West Asia,...
in the Moroccan DesertDesertA desert is a landscape or region that receives an extremely low amount of precipitation, less than enough to support growth of most plants. Most deserts have an average annual precipitation of less than... - Episode 11 Photo Shoot: Moroccan Women In Jemaa el-Fnaa
- Episode 12 Photo Shoot: Moroccan Love Story In the Marrakesh Beach
- Episode 13 Photo Shoot & Commercial: CoverGirl Lip Perfection Lipcolor Commercial and Print Ad, & Beauty In VogueVogue ItaliaVogue Italia is the Italian edition of Vogue magazine. Owned by Condé Nast International, it is the least commercial of all editions of Vogue magazine and has been called the top fashion magazine in the world....
- Tyra BanksTyra BanksTyra Lynne Banks is an American model, media personality, actress, occasional singer, author and businesswoman. She first became famous as a model, but television appearances were her commercial breakthrough...
– creator, host, photographer & main judge - Nigel Barker – judge & photographer
- André Leon TalleyAndré Leon TalleyAndré Leon Talley is the former American editor-at-large for Vogue magazine, listed as Contributing Editor in the April 2010 masthead. Talley has been a front-row regular at fashion shows in New York, Paris, London and Milan for more than 25 years...
– judge & fashion editor
Additional cast
- J. Alexander – runway coach
- Jay ManuelJay ManuelJay Manuel is a Canadian make-up artist, fashion photographer, and model. He is most recognizable as the director of photo shoots on the popular reality television show America's Next Top Model...
– photo shoot director
Post Top Model Careers
- Brittani KlineBrittani KlineBrittani Kline is an American fashion model, best known as the winner of Cycle 16 of America's Next Top Model.-Biography:...
has been signed to IMG ModelsIMG ModelsIMG Models is one of the major international modeling agencies, currently representing only female models. Its mother office is in New York City, with branches in Paris, London, Milan and Hong Kong. It is a division of New York, NY-based IMG...
in New York City under the name of "Autumn". she appeared in a Vogue Mexico spread. Her Beauty In Vogue and Vogue Italia spreads were published in November 2011. - Alexandria Everett participated on America's Next Top Model, Cycle 17: All-Stars along with other returning models and was placed 7th overall.
- Angelia Alvarez has been signed with Posche Models.
- Kasia Pilewicz has been signed with Factor Model Management in Chicago.
- Mikaela Schipani has been signed with I Model Management.
- Molly O'Connell has been signed with Images Management.
- Dalya Morrow has been signed with No Ties Management.
- Hannah Jones has been signed with Page Parkers Management in Dallas, Texas. She was also preparing for her debut film career.
- Monique Weingart has been signed with Ottos Models in Los Angeles.
- Jaclyn Poole has been signed with Models International.
- Sara Longoria has done many test shoots.
- Dominique Waldrup has done a few test shoots.