α-Pyrrolidinobutiophenone (α-PBP) is a stimulant
Stimulants are psychoactive drugs which induce temporary improvements in either mental or physical function or both. Examples of these kinds of effects may include enhanced alertness, wakefulness, and locomotion, among others...

 compound developed in the 1960s which has been reported as a novel designer drug
Designer drug
Designer drug is a term used to describe drugs that are created to get around existing drug laws, usually by preparing analogs or derivatives of existing drugs by modifying their chemical structure to varying degrees, or less commonly by finding drugs with entirely different chemical structures...

. It can be thought of as the homologue
Homology (chemistry)
In chemistry, homology refers to the appearance of homologues. A homologue is a compound belonging to a series of compounds differing from each other by a repeating unit, such as a methylene group, a peptide residue, etcetera....

 lying between the two better known drugs α-PPP and α-PVP.

See also

  • α-Pyrrolidinopropiophenone (α-PPP)
  • α-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone
    α-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone is a stimulant compound developed in the 1960s and related to pyrovalerone, which has been reported as a novel designer drug....

  • 4'-Methyl-α-pyrrolidinobutiophenone
    4'-Methyl-α-pyrrolidinobutiophenone or MPBP is a stimulant compound which has been reported as a novel designer drug. It is closely related to pyrovalerone, being simply its chain-shortened homologue.-See also:* α-Pyrrolidinobutiophenone...

  • 3',4'-Methylenedioxy-α-pyrrolidinobutiophenone
    3',4'-Methylenedioxy-α-pyrrolidinobutiophenone is a stimulant compound developed in the 1960s, which has been reported as a novel designer drug, sold under the name "NRG-1" as a mixture with other substituted cathinone derivatives, including flephedrone, pentylone and MDPV.-See also:*...

  • Buphedrone
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