Alex Wilmot-Sitwell
Alex Wilmot-Sitwell http://www.ubs.com/1/e/investors/boards/geb.html was appointed co-Chairman & CEO, UBS Investment Bank on 26 April 2009, making him one of the most senior British investment bankers. He was previously Joint Global Head of Investment Banking, and continues to be Chairman & CEO, EMEA of UBS Group. Wilmot-Sitwell is a member of the UBS Group Executive Board.Wilmot-Sitwell was born 16 March 1961 in the UK. He graduated from Bristol University with a degree in Modern History. Prior to joining Warburg Dillon Read
Warburg Dillon Read
Warburg Dillon Read was an investment bank created by the Swiss Bank Corporation , following its 1997 acquisition of S. G. Warburg & Co. which it merged with Dillon, Read & Co., a firm it had acquired in 1995. SBC itself merged with the Union Bank of Switzerland in 1998, creating UBS AG...
he worked at Robert Fleming & Co in South Africa as director of their Corporate Finance department. He joined UBS in 1995 as Head of Corporate Finance in South Africa and moved to London in 1998 as Head of UK Investment Banking. In 2004 Alex was appointed Joint Global Head of European Investment Banking and Joint Global Head of Investment Banking in November 2005.
A big client over the years has been Anglo American, the mining group, and Mr Wilmot-Sitwell played a key role in helping Lloyds TSB to buy HBOS in the controversial deal waved through by Gordon Brown.
His father, Peter Wilmot-Sitwell is a former Chairman of S G Warburg (acquired by UBS AG and integrated into UBS Investment Bank in the 1990s).